Patience nodded. “Born and raised. I never left. Madeline, didn’t you spend a year or so in San Francisco?”
“I did. I tried a lot of different jobs before finding the one I love. Helping a bride find the right dress is so satisfying.”
Shelby leaned forward. “Patience owns Brew-haha.”
“The coffee shop,” Starr said then shrugged. “I’ve been reading about the town. It’s an interesting place.”
“We have a history of powerful women.”
The last speaker was Consuelo, Destiny thought. She was petite but looked strong. With her dark hair and eyes, she was the most striking of the group. Destiny momentarily wished she looked more exotic. Or maybe she was simply hoping not to look so much like her parents. So far no one had said anything. Maybe Kipling hadn’t gone out and told everyone she was Jimmy Don and Lacey Mills’s daughter. And wouldn’t that be nice?
She supposed she shouldn’t spend so much time hiding who she was, but honestly, she just didn’t want to answer all the questions. What was it like growing up with famous parents? Could she sing? Was Lacey really that sexy in person? That was one of the worst. No child wanted to hear about how sexy people found their parents. With her dad, it was worse. She’d had groupies give her their phone number, their email address and one particularly pushy older lady in Dallas had offered a naked picture of herself for Jimmy Don. Destiny had refused to take it, let alone deliver the photograph.
“Centuries ago, a group of Mayan women migrated north to this part of the country,” Patience said with a grin. “They set up a matriarchal society. I’m not saying it’s mystical or anything, but I think their power, or whatever you want to call it, lingers.”
“I’m sure it does,” Larissa said. “Haven’t you ever walked into a place and just known it had a happy vibe? Or an evil one?”
Several of them nodded. A waitress walked up to the table, a notepad in her hands. “Hi, everyone,” she said, then looked at Destiny and Starr. “You two are new. Sisters?”
“Half,” Destiny said and introduced them.
“I’m Jo. Welcome. First drink is on me. What would you like?”
Consuelo sighed. “It’s been a long week. I vote for margaritas.” She glanced at Starr. “Make one of those virgin.”
Everyone nodded eagerly.
“My only appointment of the day was this morning,” Madeline said. “I’m in.”
“I’m not working, either,” Patience said. “Bring ’em by the pitcher, Jo.”
Destiny was both shocked and amused. Grandma Nell would have loved this group, she thought, even as she wondered at the wisdom of day drinking. Still, it was Saturday, and it wasn’t like she had to drive.
“Will do,” Jo told them. “Nachos to go with that?”
“You know it,” Larissa said.
Jo nodded and left. When she was gone, Patience leaned in and lowered her voice. “Has anyone seen the inside of The Man Cave yet?”
“You have got to let that go,” Consuelo told her. “Businesses are allowed to open.”
“But this one is different.”
Madeline nodded. “There’s going to be trouble.”
“What are you talking about?” Destiny asked.
Madeline glanced over her shoulder, then returned her attention to the group. “There’s a new bar opening in town.”
Destiny waited for the rest of the announcement, but there didn’t seem to be anything else.
“Okay,” she said slowly. “And that’s bad why?”
“Because Jo’s Bar is
bar in town. Now there will be two. That’s not how things work here.”
“But that’s not true. I’ve seen more than one restaurant. More than one dry cleaners.”
“Sure,” Bailey said. “And several of the hotels have bars. But this is more like direct competition. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Mayor Marsha hasn’t said anything yet, but I’m sure she will.”
Patience pointed at Madeline. “Have you heard? Nick’s the manager.”
Madeline shook her head
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