His Strict Requirement: Billionaire Secrets - Book Five

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Book: His Strict Requirement: Billionaire Secrets - Book Five by Drew Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drew Sinclair
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using her own body in way that would sicken her for the rest of her days.
    "No way." She said.
    Marco stared at her.
    "Are you sure?"
    "Of course I'm sure."
    "Then what's this?" He said, pushing an envelope across the desk at her. She stared at it uncomprehendingly.
    "Open it." Marco said.
    Her stomach twisted slightly. It had only been hours since she had been with Dale and she had been ready to sleep with him until Marco banged on her front door. She pulled open the envelope and drew out the documents inside.
    'Copies for you.' The attached sheet of paper read. 'Copies for the gossip press have been retained.'
    Underneath the sheet was series of photographs of her pressed against Dale Hargrave standing in her half open front entrance.
    Her mouth dropped open in shock.
    "Where did you get these?"
    "They were delivered here by courier this afternoon. I presume they were taken shortly after you asked me to leave your apartment."
    "That fucking asshole."
    "Yes. Quite."
    She threw the photos back down on his desk.
    "So what's the real story Lindsay. Is that why he flew you and Nena home? Are you his MILF? Or more accurately his ALF - the auntie he’d like to fu--"
    "Stop it Marco. I swear to you that nothing happened between us. He made a pass at me and I turned him down, so get over it already."
    "These photos," he held one up, "tell kind of a different story."
    Lindsay swallowed hard. She was struggling. There was no doubt about it, the couple in the photo were locked in one hell of a passionate embrace, Dale was all over her, lost in that kiss, and she was molded into him like he was her all and everything.
    A chill ran through her. They looked like lovers but obviously the cold, cynical bastard had arranged to have these photos taken. A hot kiss taken in the doorway of her home must have been part of his sick little plan.
    "I pushed him away. Right after that. Are there photos of that too?"
    Marco shook his head.
    "Of course not. Jesus Christ Marco, what does this even mean? What's he trying to do?"
    "He's trying to discredit you and he's doing a damn good job. You try to release any dirt on him without watertight evidence to back it up and it's just the spite of a jilted lover, of which this guy has plenty."
    Of which this guy has plenty. Those words hurt the most. She was just another one of his stupid, air-headed playthings. Or so the bastard thought anyway.
    "I'm taking this guy down." She said.
    "No. Absolutely not. These guys are big league and if what you're saying about what they did to Boyevik is true, then what makes you think he won’t have you taken out of the picture as well?"
    She thought of how sweet he had been to Nena, how thoughtful he had been to her as well. She still couldn't believe he would be that bad.
    "He wouldn't do that." She said. "I just know it."
    "How do you know it? You think because he wants to bone you that he'll sacrifice the reputation of his billion dollar company and put himself at risk of going to jail? Don't kid yourself Lindsay and don't throw your life away on this. Even if it is all true, no story is worth that."
    "Let him release the pictures. It's just a kiss for God's sake. Once I have the evidence I need then this shit," she grabbed up the pile of pictures and then slapped them down in a heap onto Marco's desk again, "won’t mean jack."
    She stood up to go.
    "Where are you going?"
    "Where do you think? I'm going to work this story before it gets cold."
    "Not on my dime you're not."
    "You already used that one Marco. This story isn't yours anymore, I'll sell to the highest bidder, make a million bucks for my new employer and you can read about it on the net like everybody else."
    Marco bit down hard. She was confounding him again. Lindsay was a woman who just couldn't be controlled - she always threw a curve ball no matter how hard you tried to stay one step ahead of her.
    "Jesus Christ Lindsay, okay. Look, I'll keep you on the payroll but I want hourly updates on where you

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