His Dream Role

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Book: His Dream Role by Shannyn Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannyn Schroeder
a piece of paper.

    I had the best time. We have opening night tonight. Although you’ve seen it, I’m going to leave you a couple of tickets at Will Call. Bring a friend. The cast goes out after the play. Maybe you can join us. Hope to see you later.

    For the first time in months, he felt good. He liked having a woman in his life, and Samantha eased in as if she belonged there.
    As he left her apartment, he sent Hunter a text. I have a date for the party. Call off the craziness.

    Sam sat in the restaurant and sipped her lemon water, waiting for her dad to lay in to her.
    â€œYou should’ve returned my calls.”
    â€œIt was one call. I’ve been busy with work for the end of the semester.”
    â€œThat’s never prevented you from calling me before. Maybe it’s this boy you’re seeing.” He shook out his napkin and laid it across his lap.
    â€œPlease don’t say it like that. Free is a good guy. He’s an actor, but he’s in college, graduating this spring.”
    Her dad hmph ed at that.
    â€œFree had nothing to do with me not calling you back. I didn’t call because I didn’t want you to try to bully me into taking the car back. I don’t want it.”
    â€œThat’s ridiculous. Why wouldn’t you want a car?” He drank his water and waved the waiter over.
    â€œYes, sir.”
    â€œCoffee, please.” He looked at Sam.
    â€œMe, too.”
    The waiter left and Sam folded her hands in her lap. “I don’t need the car, Dad. Living in the city means I have access to pretty reliable public transportation. I won’t have to worry about paying for parking.”
    â€œThere’s something else.”
    â€œThat car makes me feel like a snob.”
    â€œIt’s a good car.”
    â€œI know. Try to put yourself in my shoes. I’m working in neighborhoods that make that car a target. I help people who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. And then I drive off in a Mercedes. I feel like a phony and some of the people look at me like that.” Her mouth and throat dried as she spoke and she took a cooling drink of water.
    â€œYou shouldn’t care what they think of you. You’re helping them. That’s all that should matter.”
    â€œI can help them and take the train.”
    â€œI worry about you. You’re too trusting and naïve.”
    â€œI’m not as dumb as you think I am.”
    The waiter returned with coffee. Her dad waited until the man left before speaking again.
    â€œI’ve never thought of you as stupid. You are too trusting. How many times has someone you’re helping stolen from you?”
    Damn. It was like he had her followed. She couldn’t answer him or she’d lose the argument altogether. “I appreciate that you worry about me, but I’m okay. I take the train or bus, and if I’m in an unsafe neighborhood late or I feel uncomfortable, I call a cab.”
    He said nothing.
    She wrapped her hands around her coffee cup. “I need to start living my life and taking care of myself.”
    He shook his head. “I’m not going to convince you, am I?”
    â€œNope.” Holy crap. Had she just won an argument with her dad? She felt like whooping and hollering through the restaurant. Not only had she won, but he’d actually listened to her. He might not agree with what she said, but he’d listened. “Thank you, Dad.”
    â€œFor what?”
    â€œFor trying to understand where I’m coming from.”
    â€œThe car will be in the garage if you change your mind.”
    â€œI won’t. You should sell it.” She glanced at her watch. “I have to get going. I have a paper I need to finish this weekend.” She stood and left her napkin beside her cup.
    He joined her. “Are you going to school or back to your apartment?”
    â€œMy apartment.”
    â€œI’ll drop you off.

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