Hired Help - Working Stiffs Book One

Read Online Hired Help - Working Stiffs Book One by Sahara Kelly - Free Book Online

Book: Hired Help - Working Stiffs Book One by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
Tags: Humor, Romance, Sex, escort, Erotic, bodyguard
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Working Stiffs - Book One
    S.L. Carpenter
    Sahara Kelly
    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright 2012 S.L. Carpenter, Sahara
    Cover Art Copyright 2012, S.L. Carpenter for
P and N Graphics, LLC
    Discover other titles by Sahara
Kelly at Smashwords
    Discover other titles by S.L.
Carpenter at Smashwords
    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Authors’ Note
    Every woman deserves a working stiff!
    Welcome to a new series by S.L. Carpenter
and Sahara Kelly wherein women are rewarded with the man of their
dreams and those patient, hard working stiffs find bliss by the
bucketful in the arms of the right woman. They’re not perfect; in
fact flaws are expected because they’re all human. Just like us.
Sometimes the passion is there like a tiny ember, and it isn’t
until their eyebrows are melting that a couple realizes it. Other
times it explodes like an uncorked bottle of champagne that
somebody shook first, drowning lovers in a storm of ecstasy.
 Yeah. Stuff like that!
    Collaborating on this story, Scott and
Sahara did what they do best – had a ton of fun writing some hot
and sexy scenes, interspersed with their unique blend of reality
and humor. In upcoming books, they’ll branch off on their own, each
writing new stories based around this idea and occasionally getting
together for another collaboration, just for the heck of it and
because they can. These are short, hot and mostly sweet tales.
Don’t look for depth, angst or massive amounts of conflict because
you won’t find it. You will find laughter, passion and some
sizzling hot sex. In other words, an escape into some seductive
pleasures that Scott and Sahara hope will make you smile and sweat
a bit.
    If that happens, let them know? There’s
nothing these two writers like better than hearing that their words
brought a little laughter into a reader’s life. Because we’re all
working stiffs when it comes right down to it…

Chapter One

    “God, that’s a fabulous ass.”
    Realizing she’d spoken the words out loud,
Rose Jackson blushed and quickly turned away from the male rear end
she’d been studying. “Nothing. Sorry. I was just wondering if this
was a Fabio Lesasse. French mid-twentieth century artist, limited
edition print.” She leaned toward a picture on the wall,
uncomfortably aware she was lying like a rug, babbling while she
did it, and embarrassed as hell she’d revealed her private
    A snort answered her. “Hmph.” Her security
officer and sometime bodyguard returned to his scrutiny of the back
of a bedside table.
    He was thorough, no doubt about it. Another
point in his favor - to go along with his really world-class butt.
“Look, Mel, d’you really think all this is necessary?”
    “My job is to keep you secure, Ms. Jackson.
I won’t take any chances with your safety.”
    “Yeah, but jeez. Under the bed, I can see.
Checking the closets? Okay, I’ll buy that too. But behind the
bedside tables? This is a private resort, for God’s sake. You think
you’ll find trouble in the candles? Or could the satin bedspread be
a serious threat?”
    He ignored her scoffing tone. “Never know
where there could be hidden microphones. Or other kinds of
    “Anyone ever tell you you probably watch way
too many spy movies?”
    “Well just as long as you’re removing bugs
not planting them.” Rose’s comment was met with a raised eyebrow.
She narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

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