Hired Bride

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Book: Hired Bride by Jackie Merritt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Merritt
about each other to fool my family, why didn’t you mention having kids?”
    â€œSince they’re my entire life, I honestly don’t know. Goodbye, Zane.” Turning, Gwen walked to the front door of the house, unlocked it and went in.
    Zane didn’t ask one question about your kids, not how many you have or how old they are. He puts on a great show of good manners and kindly consideration, but deep down, where it counts, he’s really asself-centered as they come. Thank goodness you didn’t do something foolish with him last night, something you’d be painfully regretting today.
    Sighing, Gwen changed from the good slacks she’d worn for brunch into a pair of faded jeans and a cotton sweater. Obviously her having kids had diluted Zane’s interest, which shouldn’t surprise her in the least. Besides, it was just as well, she told herself. He’d shaken her up this weekend, and she didn’t need that sort of nonsense in her busy life.
    Within ten minutes of getting home Gwen was ready to leave again. Hopping into her van, she drove straight to Ramona’s house.
    Ramona opened the door for her, looking pleasantly surprised. “You’re back earlier than I expected.”
    Before Gwen could answer, her kids ran at her full tilt. Laughing, she got down on her knees and hugged all three of them at the same time. Kissing their little faces, she said, “I sure missed you guys.”
    Donnie, who was five and the oldest, said, “We watched a movie last night, and Ramona made popcorn.”
    â€œWith lots of butter,” four-year-old Ashley said. “It was yummy.”
    Mindy, who was a few months past two, parroted her sister. “Wots of butter, Mommy.”
    â€œMom, did you ride a horse?” Donnie asked.
    Gwen got to her feet. “No, son. I went to a beautiful ranch, but it was for a wedding, not a horseback ride.”
    â€œAw, heck,” Donnie said, sounding disappointed.
    Ramona’s two kids were standing nearby, and Gwen smiled at them. Tommy was Donnie’s age, and Liselle was four, like Ashley. Tiny Mindy was a tag-along, usually following her big sister, whom sheadored and mimicked. Gwen’s three were towheads, blond like their father had been, and Ramona’s two had dark hair and eyes like herself.
    Gwen looked at Ramona. “They’re all so adorable I could cry.” To her surprise tears filled her eyes. “I could cry” had just been a figure of speech, or so she’d thought. She tried to laugh it off. “Goodness, I seem to be emotional today.”
    â€œYes, you do,” Ramona agreed quietly. “Come to the kitchen. I think we need to talk. Kids, you may play outside or in the family room.” The children opted for the backyard, and took off running.
    Ramona led the way to her kitchen. “Sit at the table, Gwen. Would you like a cup of coffee? It would only take a few minutes to make a pot.”
    â€œNo, please don’t go to any trouble. I’m not going to stay long, Ramona. I have a dozen things to do at home.” Gwen took a stab at a smile and knew it came off as feeble.
    â€œWater, then? Or a soda?”
    â€œJust water, thanks.”
    Ramona brought two glasses of water to the table and sat directly across from Gwen. “You know you can talk to me about anything, Gwen.”
    â€œI know.”
    â€œSo what’s bothering you? Was the weekend horrible?”
    â€œNo, it wasn’t horrible. Quite the opposite, for the most part. I…guess I didn’t expect the Fortunes to be nice people, and they are. Zane paid me the two-thousand in cash, and I felt…” A frown creased Gwen’s forehead. “When he handed me that money I wished I were in a financial position to refuse it. I wassuch a fraud with his family and friends, Ramona, and I’m not used to being anyone but myself.”
    â€œYou’re feeling

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