Hint of Desire

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Book: Hint of Desire by Lavinia Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lavinia Kent
room after nearly collapsing on the stairs, and now lay curled up and shaking. Thankfully, Simon was still sleeping, and neither Nanny nor Sally, the nursery maid, had appeared.
    She had missed her chance . Somehow she should have made her escape in the last day, regardless of her own health. She could not risk being caught, leaving Simon alone . . . A cold wave washed over her.
    Lily jumped from the bed, not caring that her hair tumbled about her shoulders or that her bare toes peeked beneath her nightdress. She searched the wardrobe quickly, looking for anything she could possibly wear. Why hadn’t she pressed the maids to bring her some proper attire? With no other option in sight, she grabbed the heavy quilt off the foot of the bed and wrapped herself in it. She snatched together an armful of linens and lifted the still sleeping baby from the cradle.
    She grasped the baby close to her chest and turned to slip out of the room before Nanny returned. No matter how well meaning, Nanny would only point out all the pitfalls of attempting to traverse the country on foot, wrapped only in a blanket and a thin nightdress, a helpless babe in her arms.
    So great was her panic, she didn’t even see Westlake before she bowled into him. He stood in the doorway, watching her flurry with those too cool, all-seeing eyes. She clenched the baby to keep from trembling. She could see in his face that he knew the truth.
    “Going somewhere, my Lady . . . Worthington, is it?”
    Lily qu ivered as the low timbre of his voice enveloped her. She was aware of his eyes moving over her, as if they actually touched her. When they paused on her bare toes, Lily barely refrained from withdrawing them back under the folds of the blanket.
    Forcing herself to assume a calm she didn’t feel, Lily turned and lowered Simon back into his crib. She took a moment to smooth his blanket and gaze at his tiny perfect features. She must be strong for him.
    “No, ” she said at last, “why would I be going someplace?”
    Westlake stepped towards her.
    She stepped back.
    His gaze swept over her again, very slowly, before coming to settle on her face.
    This time she met his continued stare without relenting. She had realized what a tool silence was for him, and she refused to be his pawn. She forced her shaking hands to be still beneath the folds of the blanket and resolved that he must never suspect the power he held over her.
    Westlake waited another moment for her to say more. When she didn’t, he stroked his scar once before returning his hand to his side. He paced into the room and took up his favorite spot by the window. The bright sunlight flooded behind him, revealing him in silhouette and blinding Lily.
    “Why indeed would you be going anywhere . . . Lady Worthington? Elizabeth Worthington?” His tone was bitingly cold.
    Lily shook her head.
    Westlake continued to stare. She felt like an insect pinned to the paper.
    “It’s Lily . Lily Elizabeth Worthington,” she whispered. She backed towards the bed and hovered on the very edge. Her legs shook.
    As if sensing she had nothing else to say , Westlake finally continued, “Or do you wish to return to your own home? Marclyffe, isn’t it?”
    Why didn’t he show some emotion ? Any emotion? Lily collapsed back on the bed as her legs gave out. Her lower lip was trembling, but she could do nothing to arrest it. Even the thought of returning to Marclyffe left her stomach churning and her mouth sour. All she could do was remain still, her eyes large and damp, and pray that he would soon get to the point. She lowered her eyes and stared at her hemline.
    “ Can you tell me what happened, what brought you here? Why you felt the need to keep your identity a secret? It was deliberate, wasn’t it?”
    Drawing in a deep breath Lily lifted her face, attempting to meet his gaze . The sunlight blinded her. She knew how he must look, though, after the stories he would no doubt have been told. She huddled in on herself

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