
Read Online Hidden by Marianne Curley - Free Book Online

Book: Hidden by Marianne Curley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Curley
Tags: Speculative Fiction
body thrashing about under the hands of the doctor trying to revive me.
    ‘Why did she get stashed on Earth in the first place?’
    ‘Her abductors are from Skade, where the air is too toxic to raise children.’
    ‘What’s with having to turn eighteen?’
    Isaac, who’s keeping watch over my physical body, flicks a look at me over his shoulder. ‘Believe it or not, lad, even the Dark Prince has rules, all part of a treaty negotiated a couple of thousand years ago.’
    Nathaneal explains, ‘Eighteen is the age when an angel is considered mature and can …’ he takes a deep breath, as if his next words are going to hurt – ‘join lawfully with another.’
    ‘Oh. Ohh! So they can have sex … ual relations. So what do you want from me?’
    Just as he’s about to explain, Isaac interrupts. ‘The doctor is about to call it.’
    ‘Call what?’ I ask.
    ‘Your death,’ he says without blinking.
    ‘We’re out of time,’ Nathaneal announces. ‘Jordan, listen to me. You do not have to die today if you agree to help me find Ebrielle.’
    ‘And if I don’t agree?’
    ‘We leave.’ He points to the doctor who’s stopped everything and is staring up at the clock on the wall with a look of death on his own face.
    ‘Wait!’ I recall the stunning landscape he showed me. ‘My life wasn’t all peachy, you know. You gotta understand, my life sucked. Why would I
to return?’
    ‘What if I said you would return to a far better life this time around?’
    ‘Can you assure me of that?’
    ‘Once we find Ebrielle and she returns to Avena, you will have a Guardian Angel. Trust me; your life will improve dramatically.’
    ‘You sound so sure, but, dude, how can I trust someone I only just met?’ I take a breath quickly. ‘I suppose life wasn’t too bad when it was going all right, but … How would I know what to do? Where to look?’
    ‘I will be with you every step.’
    I stare hard at the tall stranger before me. He says he’s an angel. I suppose he is. And if anyone has a trustworthy face, it’s this one, but what would I be getting myself into? ‘You said
    ‘You have my word.’
    I remind myself how this could all be a reaction to the anaesthetic and these two ‘angels’ could be figments of my imagination. ‘This is a dream, right? I’m doped up on morphine and having a crazy hallucination.’
    ‘If that is the case, why not give me your promise?’ Nathaneal shrugs.
    ‘If you guys are real, will I wake to find I’ve sold you my soul?’
    ‘Free Will is the governing law of Avena.’
    ‘You call this “Free Will”? Dude, this is an ambush.’
    ‘I’ll come to your room while you’re still in hospital, and you’ll remember everything and know this was real.’
    ‘How long will it take to find this girl and get my new life?’
    ‘Hurry and make a decision, lad,’ Isaac calls out. ‘I’ve stalled for as long as I can. Your doctor fears brain damage.’
    ‘Assure Dr Mac that won’t happen.’
    Isaac gives Nathaneal a look that says, ‘What do you think I’ve been doing for the last twenty-six minutes?’
    ‘Quickly, Jordan, yes or no?’
    ‘Will there be danger?’
    ‘Could I die for real?’
    ‘The destiny of your species is to die.’
    Isaac shakes his head. ‘He’s pulling away from me!’
    ‘My second life will be better, right?’
    ‘I promise you, yes.’
    Is he telling me the whole truth?
    ‘What is your answer, Jordan?’
    ‘What do you think, Thane? Of course it’s


    On Monday morning I wake at dawn with a dream lingering in my subconscious. It’s a dream I’ve had several times recently, in which I can just make out a beautiful white house shimmering on the edges of my peripheral vision.
    Shaking off the dream, I dress quickly, pack a small lunch, saddle up Shadow and ride over to the Langs’.
    ‘Today, my beautiful friend –’ I lean forward to pat Shadow’s elegant neck and whisper in his ear – ‘you will

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