Hidden in Lies

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Book: Hidden in Lies by Rachael Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Duncan
Tags: Hidden in Lies
would she come to celebrate when he’s not here? “Aaron is going to talk to her about a few things while she’s in town to prepare her for the campaign.” Ah, now I see. She’s getting coached just like I am. I doubt she’ll need much advice. She’s the epitome of keeping up pretenses. They won’t have to worry about her stepping out of line and embarrassing him or hurting his chances of winning.
    “That’s lovely. I’ll make sure the guest room is made up for her and her favorite soaps and shampoos are in the bathroom.” I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek before leaving him to finish getting ready.
    As I walk down the stairs, I think about what I’m currently wearing. I have on a pair of black skinny slacks, a plain white T-shirt that I was going to throw a nice blazer on over, and black, pointy toed heels. I should turn around and go back upstairs to change into something Mrs. Fitzgerald will approve of, but first I need caffeine.
    Rounding the corner, I collide into a firm chest. My hands reach out behind me to catch my fall, but they never touch the ground. After a few seconds, I realize my ass hasn’t crashed into the ground and a pair of strong arms is wrapped firmly around me. My eyes slowly lift up until I’m staring into Alex’s amazing blue eyes. I’m transfixed, unable to look away. All of my senses are heightened, picking up the most subtle things. Like the clean, fresh scent of his body wash, the feel of his hard biceps under my hands that are resting on them for support, the sound of my breath quickening, and the sight of his smirk when he notices I haven’t attempted to pull away.
    Coming back to my senses, I right myself and take a step back. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” I smooth my clothes and take another small step back. I can’t think clearly when he’s so close.
    “It’s no problem, really. Are you alright? Did you hit anything?” he asks, the concern in his voice is something I’m not used to. For a long time no one has cared enough to be worried about me. Cal certainly never bothers himself with my well-being.
    “Yes, I’m fine, thanks to you.” I smile at him in gratitude.
    “I was just getting ready to check the perimeter, but there’s a cup of coffee on the island waiting for you when you’re ready for it.” He points his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to the kitchen.
    My head tilts to the side. “You made me coffee?” Why am I making such a big deal about this? It’s just coffee and the Keurig does most of the work anyway.
    “Yes, Mrs. Fitzgerald. I watched you make it yesterday, so I think I made it right. But if not, there’s a black coffee next to the Keurig if you’d like to make it yourself.”
    “You don’t have to do that, you know? You’re not the housekeeper . . . just my babysitter,” I say jokingly, even though the reason he’s assigned to me is no joking matter. The corners of his mouth twitch, fighting off a smile.
    “I don’t mind, Mrs. Fitzgerald. I’ll be back in a few minutes, then you can go over your plans for today with me.” I nod in acknowledgment and he heads off in the opposite direction and out the front door.
    Grabbing the coffee off of the island, I take a sip to test it out. It’s delicious, the perfect blend of roasted coffee, vanilla, and splenda. I take in a deep inhale hoping it’ll work its magic through my system that much faster. I walk over to the far corner of the kitchen to have a seat at the breakfast nook where I like to look out the window and watch the birds in the morning. Footsteps can be heard in the entryway, and I know Alex is back from doing his perimeter check. He has a seat in front of me and waits for me to talk.
    There’s a word that I’ve never used to describe Cal.
    But here’s this person, who’s practically a stranger, noticing my likes and dislikes. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
    “Thank you for making me coffee.

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