Here's to Forever

Read Online Here's to Forever by Teagan Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Here's to Forever by Teagan Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teagan Hunter
up, Hudson screwed me over, and I let them. But my anger does me no good. The only thing it morphs into is sadness. I don’t need sadness right now. Right now I need relief. And I’m not going to find that by covering my tears in fake, forced laughs.
    Before I know it, I’m crying again. And I hate it. But I also know that I need to cry. I have to get this out or it’s going to eat away at me. I’m tired of letting shit pick and tear at me, pulling me apart, leaving scraps of myself behind. I. Am. Done.
    “I’m not even going to ask something as stupid as, ‘Are you okay,’ because I know you’re far from it right now,” Perry says sternly. I think back to when Dallas asked those three words just thirty minutes ago and momentarily wonder what my cousin would say about that.
    “I just want…him. But I’m so damn angry right now that I can’t see straight. That’s not going to make anything better. So, as much as not being around him is going to kill me, I’m going to take a few days and just…be.”
    Perry nods. “I think that’s a good idea. And while you’re at it, maybe think about talking to your dad?”
    I sigh heavily. “I…okay. I’ll think about it.”
    “If you’re staying again, I call big spoon!” Dallas calls from the bathroom.
    Perry scowls and I throw him an unsure glance. “What’s your deal with him?”
    “I just don’t like him, okay? Drop it.”
    Dallas strolls into the bedroom with just a towel around his waist, his hard abs on display. I may be devoted to Hudson, and Dallas may bat for the same team as I do, but I can’t help but admire him. He has to work hard for all that beauty that’s on display.
    From beside me I hear Perry’s breathing pick up. Watching him, I notice his eyes grow darker and his eyebrows squeeze together tighter.
    Dallas flexes his pecs and throws a cocky grin toward my cousin. “You like?”
    Perry huffs and jerks his gaze away from the body on full display. He turns to me with an irritated spark in his eye and I just know he’s going straight to the nearest open bar after this. “I…I’ve got shit to do,” he tells me. “If you need me, call me.”
    I nod and hug him one last time, knowing full well that the next time I talk to him, he’s going to be face down in a bottle of Jack. Like always.
    As soon as we hear the front door close, Dallas lets out a humorless laugh. “Your cousin is a real peach, Rae.”
    Shrugging, I say, “I have no idea what his problem is, but I swear he’s not usually like this.”
    Dallas, who doesn’t look too convinced, just nods and struts back out of the bedroom calling “Big spoon!” over his shoulder on the way out.
    Maura laughs from beside me. “Men. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”
    I lie back on the bed, resting my hands on my flat stomach, crossing my ankles, and staring up at the ceiling. “Don’t we both know it.”
    She mirrors my pose but reaches over to grab my hand. And that’s the way we stay—relaxed on the bed holding hands. Holding on to each other, and most importantly, our hearts.


    I hate this. All of this. It’s been four days since I’ve seen or heard from Rae, and I’ve been pissed off every single one of them. Maura, who calls me every day, is the only reason I know she’s doing okay. I wish like hell I could just talk with her, make her see my side of things. But she refuses to answer her phone or texts. Every day she ignores me is another day a small hole forms in my heart.
    Which is exactly why I’m taking Joey to my mom’s for a couple days. I’m miserable, and my heartbroken mood is rubbing off on my kid. She’s asked me about ten times now where Rae is. It hurts so hard when I have to tell her she’s gone to stay with friends for a few days. Every day when I answer her, Joey’s little shoulders sink lower and lower. I know she’s bound to break down at some point. Since I know I’m liable to do so too, I have no idea how to

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