Her Wild Bear

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Book: Her Wild Bear by Heather West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather West
God he did! It wasn’t just something I imagined. The damned thing’s drool is still wet on my neck.”
    The old man stared at him, a glass of booze frozen halfway to his lips. “An animal? What kind of animal?”
    Kyle gave a rueful laugh. “Like something you’d see in a horror movie. I know you’re not going to believe me, and I don’t blame you, but it’s true. He was like some kind of huge . . . I don’t know . . .”
    “Bear?” the old man finished.
    Kyle furrowed his brow. “Yes, like a big bear. It was hideous. You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”
    The old man gulped, his eyes alight with terror. “Oh no, I don’t think you’re crazy. I’ve heard of these things before. They’re dangerous as hell. You’re lucky to still be alive.”
    Kyle looked up at him, half-drunk. “You’ve heard of them?”
    The old man nodded grimly. “The rangers aren’t going to be of any help, I’m afraid. But I’ve got some friends that know what to do with this sort of problem. A kind of underground professional group, if you will.”
    There was a flash of hope in Kyle’s eyes. “Really? Do you think they can save her?”
    The old man shrugged. “Maybe.” He took a long, heavy breath, then held out his hand. Kyle shook it. “I’m Edward.”
    “I’m Kyle Bennett.”
    “Well, Kyle Bennett,” Edward said, pushing himself off his barstool, “I’d like you to come meet The Path. Let’s go get us some bear.”

Chapter 12
    Tawny gasped for air as she sprinted between bushes, desperately dodging thorny vines. Her buckskin clothes noisily flapped against her and she whimpered in fear that the sound would give her away. A chilling early dusk breeze cut through the trees, raising her skin with gooseflesh, while thick, foreboding pines cast elongating shadows over the forest floor to warn of the approaching nightfall.
    She heard Matt’s footsteps streaking toward her from behind and she shrieked in terror — he had spotted her. Her heart thudded hard in her chest, her legs exhausted from the skirt restricting her stride. She could hear his heaving breath — he was gaining on her.
    Tawny screamed as she felt his powerful arms grasp her and they tumbled together to the moss below.
    “No!” she screeched, wriggling desperately beneath Matt’s powerful body but unable to break free from his hold. He rolled her onto her back, pinning her wrists to the ground. She looked up into his dark brown eyes, glaring defiantly at him as exhausted tears rolled down her face.
    He let go of her right wrist and reached out to brazenly caress her face. She grabbed his forearm sternly, her eyes narrowing with harsh reproach. She swallowed uneasily as he stared down at her. His sexual hunger was undaunted by her insolence.
    Slowly she yanked his arm down along her body, spreading her legs apart to force her skirt up along her thighs, and pushed his hand underneath. She tossed her head back with a seductive moan as she felt his warm fingers probing her soft and tender skin. It was a succulent sensation of relief and building desire that swept through her, and she could feel her body gnawing at his finger as he pressed it inside of her.
    “Oh God, Matt,” Tawny groaned deliciously. “Don’t let me go. Don’t ever let me go.”
    Her head swam with intoxicated delirium as he gently toyed with her warm parts. He gave her small lips soft squeezes and ran tickling fingers between them, stimulating her clitoris with every motion and taunting her salacious itch.
    Matt lunged onto her, kissing her neck like a starving animal. His caressing mouth sent waves of pleasure down over her breasts. Tawny raised her knees instinctively, her pussy pulsing with greedy desires, and felt herself open even more to his touch.
    Wrapping one arm around her shoulders, Matt clutched her, tight and helpless, to his muscular chest. She smelled his longing, his wanton

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