Her Only Protector

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Book: Her Only Protector by Lisa Mondello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Mondello
million if they didn’t succeed in finding Cash Montgomery. If that meant that Sonny had to miss her plane and stay a few days longer in Colombia, then so be it. Life was full of inconveniences.
    He drained the rest of his coffee and grimaced. When did I get so grumpy?
    Besides, he’d already told her she could leave if she wanted to. She chose to stay. There had to be a reason she was sticking with the man who was hunting down her fugitive brother instead of just taking off on her own. She said she had no money left, but she may not have been telling him the truth.
    Maybe she’s hiding from something.
    Yeah, that thought had occurred to him big-time over the past few hours while she and the baby were napping in the other room. The question was, what—or who—was she hiding from? And what did that have to do with Cash Montgomery?
    Sonny had slept too long.
    She only wished Ellie had, too. She’d checked the clock by the bed and saw that it was 3:00 a.m. Cooper was sound asleep in the next bed, breathing heavily as if she were deep into her REM state. Every so often, when the baby started to cry, Cooper stirred but didn’t wake up.
    That was good, Sonny decided. If she was going to get another crack at the computer, she was going to have to sneak out without Cooper knowing.
    But first she had to rock Ellie to sleep again. It would be a long night for all of them if Ellie didn’t sleep.
    She wished she’d taken Baby 101 before she’d insisted on coming down here. Serena had filled her in, and her mother had, too. But everything she’d done thus far had been a piece of cake compared to taking care of Ellie.
    She recalled how she’d thought both her mother and her sister-in-law were making such a fuss. Sonny was female, after all. Shouldn’t taking care of babies come naturally to all women?
    Apparently not.
    She rocked Ellie back and forth, trying to calm her crying. Do all mothers feel like complete imbeciles in the beginning stages of motherhood?
    â€œOh, sweet pea, your mamma is going to have my head on a spit if I don’t take care of you properly,” she crooned, nuzzling Ellie’s pudgy wet cheeks.
    Even as she said the words, she knew it wasn’t true. Serena would be so happy to have this beautiful baby back in her arms that nothing else would matter, least of all any minor mistakes Sonny made along the way.
    The baby continued to fuss in her arms. Afraid that she would wake up Cooper, Sonny grabbed the baby’s blanket from the crib and went to the living room.
    The light was on and the TV was turned down low. The screen showed an anchor speaking Spanish, talking about an upcoming festival. Sonny followed most of what he said although his dialect was different from the Spanish she knew. It didn’t really matter what the news anchor said as long as it wasn’t about the baby. She kept her ears open to any news of Eduardo Sanchez, though. She’d understand what that name meant for her in any language.
    As she paced the living room in her bare feet, her eyes drifted toward the kitchen. There was no light on, which meant that Marco had finally gone to bed. He kept the computer password protected, but that was easy enough for Sonny to get around. Even so, it would be risky to try now with Ellie still fussing. She didn’t want to risk waking up the whole villa and getting caught again. Besides, she’d already sent out the important e-mail to her father. She could wait to see if he responded.
    The look on Gil’s face when he saw her standing at the computer was one she would never forget. His expression had been hard, his eyes cold and full of contempt. Sonny wasn’t used to people looking at her that way and she hated even more that Gil had. But that didn’t make any sense. Why would she care what he thought after what he’d done?
    She wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination. She had a laundry list of

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