Hell's Revenge
almost took us both to the floor when she threw herself on me for an enthusiastic hug. “My little lamb is going to be a mommy.” Bambi sniffed back tears.
    “Yeah, well, first I’ve got to survive the pregnancy.” Concern dried her tears. “Are you okay? Is there any reason to worry?” I told her about my mother’s visit and my talk with Nefertiti, and I even admitted to the kiss I’d shared with fang boy. Bambi’s eyes grew wider and wider.
    “Fuck me, lamb. You just never do things by halves do you?” I smiled and shrugged.
    “Well, I think you made the right decision to keep the babe. It’s what happened when your mother got pregnant with you, after all.”
    Bambi slapped a hand over her mouth. “You didn’t hear me say that.”
    “Did too. Spill it.”
    “Well, see, it’s the oddest thing. I hadn’t even remembered you had a mother until you, like, talked about her. Now though, it’s as if I have all these memories, not many mind you, but the one that sticks out is one from when I was a child. I was playing in the lab, hiding from the other girls who didn’t play nice with me ‘cause I was prettier. Your mother came in already talking with Nefertiti. I didn’t get the whole conversation, but I do recall Nef telling your mom the baby she carried was dangerous. And your mother just shrugged and said, ‘so what. She’s mine and I’m keeping her.’” It annoyed me that this knowledge made my plan to kill my mother shift. So she’d cared about me at one point, it still didn’t excuse her behavior. Curiosity made me wonder if perhaps I should find out more about what happened so many years ago. If I didn’t like the answer, I could still kill the bitch.
    “Well, she didn’t keep that promise did she?” I replied bitterly. “In the end she might not have killed me, but she did dump me like unwanted garbage.” Damned hormones.
    My eyes glistened and I dug my nails in my hands, using the pain to veer my thoughts.
    “Oh, little lamb. If she hadn’t, I would have never known you and loved you.” I smiled tremulously at my sister. People could say what they wanted about her, slut or not, she had a heart of gold and I loved her dearly. “And sappy shit like that is why this baby’s middle name is going to be Bambi.”
    We hugged tightly, both crying like the biggest saps. Then we had a makeup repair session.
    Faces back on straight, I had one more question before we went back to face the bruises and black eyes I was sure my men sported. “Bambi, does having, um, sex, you know in the, um—”
    “Anal sex feels great if done right,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Geez, lamb, you can be such a prude sometimes. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it? You have two lovers.
    You mean to tell me you’ve denied yourself and them that pleasure?” My blush said it all.
    “I’m not saying just let them drive their cocks in, but with the proper preparation, it is absolutely wonderful. Trust me, I know from experience.” I stored the information and decision for later. We returned to the main area and …
    My bar remained intact and my two men were sitting at the bar nonchalantly tossing back shots.
    “Did you guys kill the vamp?” Regret clutched me at the thought of his demise.
    Auric fixed me with bright green eyes. “No. We thrashed him and promised to kill him if he ever so much as looked at you again.”
    “I threatened to eat him actually,” David added with a shrug. His bare chest drew my eyes and a quick peek showed him wearing the emergency pair of jeans I kept behind the bar. Having a shifter boyfriend who acted as bouncer meant keeping stashes of clothing everywhere.
    I shook my head at them both. “You can’t entirely blame him for what happened. My magic was at fault, too.” I didn’t mention the fact the vamp had obviously gone easy on them, I didn’t want to antagonize my lovers after all. But seriously, a creature who could take out twelve demons

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