Hell Rig

Read Online Hell Rig by J. E. Gurley - Free Book Online

Book: Hell Rig by J. E. Gurley Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. E. Gurley
Tags: Horror, Paranormal, Zombie, supernatural, Voodoo, spirits, haunted, Damnation Books, JE Gurley, Hell Rig
first girlfriend. They stood that way a few moments, looking into one another’s eyes. Her smile faded, replaced by an expression of curiosity. She dropped her hand.
    “I have to go.”
    The smell of her perfume lingered as he watched her walk away, admiring her figure. She walked solidly but gracefully, not the practiced sashay of a New Orleans hooker or the lumbering gait of a not so feminist roustabout. She glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled.
    Later, as he greased the crane’s fittings, he caught himself staring up at the spot where the Digger Man had ended his life. The bloodstains on the deck had been erased by the storm, but at times, when the light was just right, he swore he could see the shadow of a blood stain spreading across the deck. He was standing and staring at cables, hoping to repeat his earlier vision, when Waters came up behind him, as silently as a ghost.
    “You see it, too, don’t you?” he asked.
    Jeff jumped and turned to look at him. Waters looked even more haggard than when they had arrived. Large dark circles surrounded his eyes and his hands constantly trembled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lied. “Where have you been all day?” he asked gruffly, changing the subject. “I thought you were supposed to be helping us.”
    Waters’ smile made him uneasy. “I’ve been trying, but I didn’t do any good. You’re still in danger.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “It still wants all of you. I can’t stop it.”
    He took a step toward Waters. “Look. I’m tired of your sick jokes. If you aren’t going to help, stay away from me.”
    Waters backed up, cowering. Jeff felt a rush of guilt for his outburst. The platform was getting to him. When Waters saw Jeff was not going to hit him, he smiled. “Take the girl and leave while you can. I can’t stop it.”
    “No one can leave until the supply ship gets here.”
    “Swim,” Waters said as he turned to leave. “You’ll be safer in the water with the sharks.”
    Jeff watched Waters walk away and was more certain than ever that the man was insane. Waters talked to himself and made odd gestures as he scurried away, recoiling at shadows as if afraid of them. As Jeff coiled up the cable for the crane’s remote control, it occurred to him that the one thing bothering him about Waters’ macabre story focused on the remote. He eyed the length of cable attached to it. Next, he estimated the distance to where Waters claimed Digger Man’s body had hung. Without an accurate measurement he could not be certain, but it looked to him as if Digger Man could not have hoisted himself. The remote cable would not reach that far. Why would Waters lie?
    Perhaps Waters was merely mistaken or the crane could have shifted during the hurricane. Jeff knew he had left it at the exact height he had found it after raising the antennae. He slipped it into the back of his mind for the time being. He had other things to ponder.
    * * * *
    The end of the long work day could not have come soon enough for Jeff. His muscles ached and he was filthy. He was also apprehensive, as if someone was watching him. Several times during the day, he had turned quickly expecting to see someone standing there, but all he saw were shadows. All afternoon, he had felt as if something bad was about to happen. It was not quite a premonition but more than a gut feeling. He tried to place the blame on Waters’ odd behavior but knew that was not it. He knew they were in for trouble and it was not just the increasingly graying sky.
    It was not all bad news. Jeff and McAndrews had managed to run a line from a secondary freshwater tank they had located to the emergency shower. They also surrounded the shower with plywood for privacy. The water was cold but on a hot muggy day, it felt heavenly. A quick shower managed to wash away the grime and sweat but did nothing about his apprehension. The entire group was unusually quiet during dinner, except for Easton. His

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