
Read Online Hell by Elena M. Reyes - Free Book Online

Book: Hell by Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena M. Reyes
understanding old man a saccharine-sweet smile. “Glen doesn’t seem to understand those two simple letters—n and o—and the word that emerges from their blissful union.”
    “Janelle, babe, you’re making me look bad.” Dickhead laid a hand over his heart as if he had been wounded by her words. “Did you forget about the history we share? The time we…” he trailed off, all the while smiling at me.
    A deep rumble, an almost animalistic growl ripped itself from within my chest, and his face lost all trace of amusement. I’d tried for her sake and their company, but he was pushing me. Testing the last shred of patience I held.
    A hand on my arm pulled my attention away from Glen and toward a worried Janelle. “Come with me,” she said, while pulling me toward the door. There was no hesitation from me whatsoever; I’d let her lead me anywhere at this point. “We need to talk.”
    Janelle had one foot outside the door when Mr. Thurston spoke up. “Glen, get the hell out. This meeting does not concern you in the least…instead of stirring the pot, go focus on the stack of files I left atop your desk this morning.”
    “Now!” Like the pussy he was, Glen turned around and with a glare my way, and walked out. “I’m very sorry about him. He’s been infatuated with your girlfriend for years and hasn’t learned his place yet.”
    “She’s not.”
    “He’s not.”
    “They kill me.” Kevin’s boisterous laughter filled the room, his hand smacking the top of his thigh while trying to get control of himself. He’d been quiet throughout this entire exchange and decided now was the right time to make his presence known. “Let’s see how long that bullshit lie works out for you two.”
    Mr. Thurston shook his head and walked back around his desk. Patiently, he waited for Kevin to collect himself and for Janelle to take her seat beside her brother. I, on the other hand, stood behind her, my hand resting on the back of her chair.
    Janelle was blushing, yet she didn’t once move away from my touch while I twirled a piece of her hair around my finger.
    “Now that everyone’s calmed down…” for some reason that pointed look was directed at me “…let’s get this meeting underway.”
    After an hour-long discussion, some mild yelling, and a couple of cups of coffee, we all came to an agreement. The project was ours as of today, and we would start the ginormous demo work at the beginning of the following month. From then, we had a year to the day to hand it over to Thurston and the city.
    Was I nervous? Not really. I’ve done stadium renovations before. Maybe not to the extent this one seemed to be, but I had confidence in my ability and the Walker’s company to get it done.
    That left three hundred and sixty-five days to demolish, restructure, build additions to both the restaurant/food court area and bathrooms, and then beautify. The punch-out list for this job site would be a headache, but not impossible.
    Orlando was looking to be more than just the tourist capital of the world. More than a popular mouse and some rides. They wanted to tap into tour stops and large concerts held by the different radio stations that dominated the airways. To create jobs and lift the economy.
    Become more than a gimmick filled with basketball fans.
    In addition, it would have the added benefit of being my first solo project. My site, my rules.
    Janelle would be impressed and owe me, something I’d gladly let her pay me for in sexual favors.
    My chance to win my hellish doll over, to give her a chance to pay me back for all that’s she’s done to me. Taking over my every fucking thought.
    A lick of my balls.
    A hand job on site.
    Her tight pussy enveloping my dick.
    All sounded promising and too easy to attain. How she managed to worm her way in—to burn my veins with lust and have me chasing after her, I’ll never know. Nothing about her made a lick of sense. But what I do admit to after the last few

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