Hell in a Handbasket - The Journey

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Book: Hell in a Handbasket - The Journey by Damara Blackthorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Damara Blackthorne
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within this business.
I do not want such actions representing this company. I believe many of you
have forgotten that I do indeed own this company and my goal is to make it one
of the top publishing houses around."
    He sidestepped
Taryn, moved back to his chair and stood behind it. "Not long after I took
control of this company, I had the security cameras updated, as well as more
cameras and microphones installed. And before anyone starts crying that their
rights have been violated, let me ease your minds by reminding you of the fact
that all activities of employees and visitors will be monitored and recorded.
This information is not only in the new employee handbook, but it was also
practiced at this company and in that handbook before I took over. Isn't that
right Mr. Carlisle?"
    Mr. Carlisle
squirmed even more so in his seat.
"You pervert!" "What have you been recording?” "Are you
keeping these recordings?" Voices all around the table rose with
disbelief, confusion, and anger.
    Ryder merely held
up his hand , expecting and getting complete silence. "I cannot speak for
Mr. Carlisle here," gesturing toward s Mr. Carlisle's direction.
"Perhaps you can take those issues up with him after this meeting is
adjourned. As for me, as long as you haven't done anything illegal or
incriminating while on the premises inside this company, you have nothing to
worry about."
    Ryder lowered his
hand and set it on the back of his chair. "Now, I have monitors set up in
my office so I can see and hear what is being said and done inside of my
company." He turned his head to face Taryn. "Now, Ms. Parrish, let me
see if I can remember exactly the wording you have used during your phone
conversations. Ah, yes…’I'm going to seduce him, get knocked up and trick him
into marrying me’.”He turned his whole body toward her and leaned on
the back of his chair. "Security has already been called and they are
waiting for you. They should have all of your belongings boxed up. I've also
already contacted Human Resources and they're waiting as well. So, to make this
perfectly clear, your services here are no longer required. You are fired
effective immediately."
    Taryn's face was
no longer pretty or perky. It contorted into a mask of hatred and malice and it
was directed at me. I was scared.
    Ryder coughed and
brought Taryn's attention back to him. "I don't believe I need to tell you
that if anything, and I do mean anything, happens to Miss Bendis, I will inform
the police and hand over copies of all recordings involving you. And I do mean
all of them.”
    Taryn's face
blanched. She turned towards Mr. Carlisle "Are you going to let him get
away with that? Aren't you going to help me here? Because if
I go down, I'm dragging you with me."
    Mr. Carlisle
gagged. "I don't know what you're talking about Ms. Parrish."
    Ryder tried to
suppress a soft chuckle. "Sure you do Mr. Carlisle. She's talking about
all the times you two had relations in your office—among other places, inside
of this company's premises."
    Mr. Carlisle lost
what little color he had in his face. He started to spit and sputter.
"Wha…I…da-uh… wh… ooo…"
    Ryder turned back
towards his chair. He held up his hand again. "Mr. Carlisle. I have
already spoken with my attorneys. Due to the terms of the buy-out, I cannot
fire you."
    Mr. Carlisle
smirked with an evil glint in his eyes.
    "However, I
can and am demoting you. You will have absolutely no say in what is or is not
published by this house. You will have no say in who writes for this house. You
will no longer have any contact with anyone associated with myself or any of my
companies, past, present or future. In addition, I can and am cutting your pay.
No longer will you receive a generous salary. You will receive minimum wage for
the number of hours you actually work for me."
    Poor Mr.
Carlisle, I think he couldn't decide if he was having a heart attack or a
    Ryder saw his
condition. He reached for a phone, which

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