Hell in a Handbasket - The Journey

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Book: Hell in a Handbasket - The Journey by Damara Blackthorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Damara Blackthorne
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adventures, and that they would help me in my work.
I smiled a bright cocky smile. I tipped my head in a seductive manner and
proceeded to tell everyone in that room just how much I did know without
getting into specifics. And that from now on my writing was going to be so
erotic it would have each one of them having underwear-soaking orgasms in their
    About that time,
I heard an intercom pop and Miss Perky-Snot's voice chimed in. "Mr.
Carlisle, He's on his way in now."
    "Thank you,
Taryn." The elderly gentleman nodded and then turned to me…"Well, it
seems our illustrious leader will be joining us after all. Aren't we
blessed?" Geez, does no one here like the new owner? Is he some kind of
slave driver or asshole or just a complete jerk?
    I looked around
the table and no one looked happy about the news that the new owner was coming
to this meeting. I started feeling more distressed than before. My heart felt
like it was going to beat out of my chest. My skin felt cold and clammy. I was
afraid I might throw up…wouldn't that make for a great first impression?
    One of the
frosted doors started to open and I held my breath. And in
walked Ryder wearing a dark charcoal gray business suit which looked as though
it had been hand made just for him and dark shiny shoes. He had his hair
pulled back at the nape of his neck, tied with what looked to be a string made
of black satin. If I thought that man was gorgeous before—I was wrong. He was
absolutely stunning in this suit. My eyes bugged out in shock and my jaw
dropped, leaving my mouth hanging open.
    Ryder looked
around the table and did not look happy. In fact, he looked downright
murderous. When his eyes reached mine, his face softened and he smiled.
"Good afternoon Miss Bendis. I am very pleased you could make it to this
    I blinked my eyes
a few times…"Yes…thank…you…for inviting me here." My voice was flat
and emotionless thanks to me being in shock. It creaked toward the end. Still
not too shabby considering my head was swimming in disbelief.
    Ryder then took
his seat at the head of the table. He reached over to the intercom, pressed the
button, and then growled, "Miss Parrish. Please join us." Now I was
    Ryder's eyes were
narrow slits as he gazed around the table. I noticed everyone was starting to
squirm in their seats and not in a good way. Everyone was uncomfortable. I was
doubly so, remembering what this man had done to me and the way he made me
feel and yet I was just as scared as everyone else at the table. What in hell
was going on?
perky-self walked in through the frosted door Ryder had just entered. She was
carrying a notepad and pen poised at the ready. When she looked at me, she wore
a smile, which screamed, "Bitch, this is mine !"

    * * * *

    Ryder glanced up
at her. "You won't be needing those."
    She looked a
little confused but her smile grew larger. She glanced at me and shot me a
mean, hateful smirk.
    Ryder stood up.
He straightened making him even taller and clasped his hands together. He
walked around the table starting on the side opposite me. As he walked behind
each person, he would stop and glance over their shoulder to see what they had
written on their notepad. Sometimes he would smile while other times he frowned
and once I heard him growl.
    He continued his
stalking around the table. "It seems my previous orders have not been
followed per my instructions. That makes me very unhappy. I don't give an order
or make a decision without much forethought and reasoning. Therefore to reduce
the number of misunderstandings and formal complaints, let me give some
explanation regarding my next steps and actions." He stopped behind my
chair and placed his hands gently on my shoulders. "I instructed each one
of you to be extra nice to Miss Bendis here, yet many of you were downright
rude and disrespectful. Although I understand your reasons for such behavior,
it is not the type of behavior or attitude I will permit

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