Heirs of Acadia - 02 - The Innocent Libertine
still. “What of my companions?”
    Thankfully, the keeper spoke before Lillian could. “There ain’t been nothing said of any others.”
    Lillian inspected the face before her. Flaming red hair tumbled about features that remained strong and defiant, even when terrified. The eyes were impossibly clear, the expression alight with an innocence Lillian had never known. Certainly not by the time she had reached this woman’s age.
    Abigail protested, “I can’t just leave them here to rot in this vile place!”
    Lillian thought swiftly. This young woman was not going to come easily without her companions. There was nothing to be gained by arguing. She turned to the keeper. “Surely you noticed the other names written upon the magistrate’s document.”
    The keeper gaped at her. “Other names?”
    “The Reverend Derrick Aimes and his assistant, Peter Wise,” Abigail offered quickly. “They did nothing wrong either.”
    “Of course not. Why should they be any different from all the others jailed here?” He kneaded the grip of his weapon. “You’ll be paying for them as well?”
    “I will.”
    He said nothing more. The keeper locked the door behind them, then left them standing in the press yard as he entered the north wing, where the men were kept. The wait was endless. The two women stood and clutched each other, surrounded by their own private worlds of fear and calamity.
    Finally the keeper reappeared, leading two other figures. Lillian could not make out their faces in the misty gloom. But as soon as the keeper’s lantern fastened upon the two women, one of those following the man cried out, “Abigail?”
    “Pastor Derrick!”
    “Praise be to God above!”
    “Are you all right, Reverend?”
    “Why should I not be, when our gracious Father has released us from our shackles and wrought another miracle?”
    “One paid for by this woman’s gold,” the keeper said, his eyes fastened meaningfully upon Lillian.
    She was already reaching for her purse. “Let us be free of this vile realm.”

Chapter 7
    Six days later, Abigail sat in the very same chair she had claimed as her own the first time she had come to this house. It had a high, curved back, a chair intended to nestle the occupant within its padded comfort. Abigail recalled that first visit to the Wilberforce manor very clearly. She had been nine years old. Her parents had been invited to come and have lunch with William Wilberforce in his home. During the carriage ride her mother had warned repeatedly not to speak out of turn or discuss matters which should be left until they were alone. She was to be a proper young lady, her mother had said, and for once Abigail had sincerely agreed, for she had seen how important this meeting was to both her parents.
    They had decided to bring Abigail along that day, because William Wilberforce had been such a dear friend of Erica Langston. Erica and Abigail had grown extremely close during Erica’s stay in England, despite an age difference of more than ten years. Erica had recently returned to her home in Washington, accompanied by her fiancé, Gareth Powers. Abigail had missed her terribly. Introducing Abigail to Erica’s dear friend Mr. Wilberforce was her parents’ way of trying to make her feel better. And it had. Oh, how much better she had felt after the visit. William Wilberforce had not been anything like Abigail had expected. She had imagined a great and powerful man after everything she had heard. Instead, the little man’s eyes had fastened upon her with such gentle intelligence she had felt as though she had known him for years. He had spoken for a time with her parents, then selected the seat closest to Abigail. He had taken her hand in both of his, looked deep into her eyes, and said how he imagined she missed their mutual friend quite as much as he did.
    The memory was enough to bring on new tears.
    Fortunately, Abigail was the only person in the front parlor that day. Normally it bustled with

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