Heavy Hearts

Read Online Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke - Free Book Online

Book: Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Kaemke
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enclosed shower in the corner, and a large gray tub with beautiful dark chrome finishing. All the towels and wash cloths were a very dark gray to accent the black and gray tiles and fixtures. My mind started to wander as I scanned the room and could picture the two of us in the shower together, making love. I could feel myself turning red and gathered the urge to break the silence.
    “You have a spectacular place.” I complimented. I was curious to how he could afford such a flat, but I didn’t dare be rude by asking.
    “Thanks,” he said lifting the left corner of his mouth into an awkward smile, his cheek pushing his glasses upward. He was so gorgeous I couldn’t help but smile sweetly as I resisted the urge to rip his clothes off.
    We headed back into the living room area still unsure what exactly we should have been doing now that we were alone together with no friends or strangers around to be a buffer.
    “Are you hungry?” He pried and just as he said it I realized that I had hardly had anything to eat all day and my stomach started to turn.
    “Actually… I am” I acknowledged.
    “I’m no world class chef, but I can whip you up something tasty. You like French toast?”
    “Yes please.” I nodded swiftly; breakfast for dinner was one of my favorites. He disappeared around the corner and into the kitchen. Not sure what to do I sat on the couch and took in my surroundings. I thought about the events to come and I was equally petrified and awakened.
    I could smell the mouthwatering scent of the French toast escaping from the kitchen. I decided that I should follow the savory aroma and check up on Simon. He looked delectable standing in front of the stainless steel stove flipping a piece of white egg-soaked bread in the pan.
    “Hey, wondered when you were gonna join me.” He said coolly.
    “Yeah, well it smells so delicious I couldn’t stay away.” I took a seat behind the breakfast bar on one of the dark brown stools with the soft leather black cushioned top. I propped my elbows up on the wooden countertop and watched as he cooked for me. He looked up in between flips and smiled warmly, locking eyes with mine.              
    “So tell me something interesting,” I broke the silence.
    “Something interesting huh? Well what do you want to know love?” His sweet voice sang.
    “Something someone wouldn’t know until they got to really know you.” I awkwardly replied, immediately regretting it. I sounded like an ass, and I was afraid he might think I was trying to get too personal too quickly. “I’m sorry, that was dumb. You don’t have to say anything.” I whimpered as I turned bright red again. He took his glasses off his head and set them down on the counter; offering me a smirk in the process.
    “No, it’s okay, I have no problem. I got something good for your curious mind.” He placed the red plastic spatula down on the counter top and slid the French toast pieces onto a light blue ceramic plate.              
    “I spent five years in America,” he began and set the plate in front of me, handing me a silver fork and a bottle of warm syrup.
    “Oh?” I said as I poured a sizable amount of sticky sweetness onto the fluffy bread and urged him to continue.
    “Yea, I went to live with my Aunt Saraphine in Chicago when I was thirteen, and I went to High School in the city. That’s something not a lot of people know about me. Although a lot of people here can tell I wasn’t educated here especially my classmates at the University.” He explained. I was shocked to find out this new information, but it made a lot of sense. His accent wasn’t as heavy as most of the people we’d met there.
    “Is that a good bit of info, or would you rather I got even more personal?” His eyes smoldered. I had the sudden urge to shed some clothing as I swear the room got hotter. 
    “No no, that’s very interesting. I like it. Thanks for sharing.” I tried to hide the fact that

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