Heaven or Hell

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Book: Heaven or Hell by Roni Teson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roni Teson
woman.” Anna laughed and continued, “But I’ve put some weight on since then.”
    “Did you know my family well?” Teresa questioned.
    “Not so much, dear. I’d met Juan at some meetings and he took me under his wing. Back then I had some issues with staying sober. That’s probably why I caught my hair on fire.”
    “Why didn’t my dad contact me before? You must’ve known I was out here.”
    “I didn’t know he hadn’t until Father Benjamin told me yesterday. I assumed he was in contact with you.” Anna exhaled. “We spend so much time working with other people. It’s hard to explain. I asked about you often, and your dad knew all the answers. He told me about your son, JJ, and your store. He said you had a rough patch with your husband and your divorce. He was so proud of you for raising JJ on your own and building a successful business. I thought you and your son were fully in his life. I really had no idea.”
    Anna swallowed. “He gave me all the answers for you too, Jessie. He said you lived in the same house and had really stepped up for Teresa when Marion had passed away.” Anna appeared apologetic. “In thinking about it now, he never mentioned being around either of you. Juan just knew what was going on in your lives.”
    Angel felt her heart race. Perspiration sprang out on her upper lip—though of course both were impossible. In reality, she’d completely tuned into this new woman’s feelings and physical reaction. Anna pulled a handkerchief out of her bag and wiped her upper lip.
    An uncomfortable silence continued for what seemed like several minutes until Father Benjamin spoke. “Well I guess it’s time to say our good-byes, at least for now.”
    Angel went to the car; she needed to get away from the emotions that had begun to cling to her. She didn’t like this type of somber energy. A few minutes away from the others and she’d be fine. She situated herself in the back seat and waited for Teresa and Jessie. Angel wanted to know the outcome of Father Benjamin’s attempt to persuade Teresa to visit her dad.
    As both women approached, it sounded as if they were arguing. “I’m just saying, we should see him. If only for a minute to tell him how we feel,” insisted Jessie.
    “Well, I’m sorry, Aunt Jessie, I’m really mad. If I hadn’t known better, I’d say the man that priest described was no relation of mine. I want to do this on my own terms, if at all.”
    “You know your mother paid Anna to help out. She was looking for work, and Joe had tried to give the woman a hand. I forgot about her hair catching on fire until you brought it up.” Jessie chuckled.
    “Auntie, you’re so sweet. You said she was a family friend.” Teresa softened.
    “Well, she sort of was. She was around for a while. I think Anna even babysat for you and Angela. Something happened and we never saw her again.”
    Angel somehow could see inside Teresa, saw her going through a load of inner conflict that spun around and around like laundry running through a “heavily soiled” cycle.
    Regret and confusion immediately poured out of Teresa’s mouth. “What about the storage unit? How’d he manage to do these things without our finding out? He has counselor credentials. He somehow saved stuff from the house and he lives like a pauper.”
    “Yes, I saw that.”
    “Auntie, I’m exhausted.” Teresa rubbed her left leg. “I can tell my dad’s around because he’s so draining, and I haven’t even seen him yet.”
    “What about JJ? What are you going to tell your son?”
    “I’ll pick him up from school and talk to him.”
    Angel had heard enough for one day. As much as she wanted to stay around for the journal and see what was in the “family” notebook, she needed a break. She left Teresa, and the woman who was possibly her own aunt, somewhere in Los Angeles. Her entire being cried out for a rest, and she needed the comfort of someone to talk to. Hopefully the girls were back “home”

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