Heaven Bound (A Blakemore Family Book: Madame Lou Series Book 2)

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Book: Heaven Bound (A Blakemore Family Book: Madame Lou Series Book 2) by SaraLynn Hoyt Read Free Book Online
Authors: SaraLynn Hoyt
you know Father doesn’t approve.”
    “Well,” Emily pushed Adeline down to sit at the small vanity and began to brush out and arrange her long golden hair. “Your father wants you to make a good first impression and wrangle yourself a proposal, doesn’t he? So we must do everything we can to ensure that outcome from the beginning.”
    “I really don’t think I want a proposal from the man the first time I meet him.”
    “Why ever not?” Emily asked looking for her curling tongs in her bag of lady’s maid accoutrements. “After all, he’ll need to get in line for your attentions once you attend your first ball in London. He should be wanting to make the best impression he can while he has you all to himself on this ship with no competition in sight for hundreds of miles.”
    Adeline wanted to scoff at her maid’s silly predictions, but she knew the young woman was quite right. The penniless titled men of the Ton would be lining up to ask for her hand once they realized the extent of her inheritance. She sat and contemplated the near future of trying to maneuver the treacherous waters of society that awaited her once she reached town. She had already been warned by several experienced ladies of her acquaintance in Manhattan that between being snubbed by the ladies of London and chased by the destitute lords, it would be a constant test of Adeline’s resilience. But this evening, there would be only one gentleman to fend off.
    It would be the perfect opportunity to practice her English etiquette taught to her so diligently by Emily ever since she’d been hired for that very purpose over a year ago. During that time, Adeline had grown quite fond of her lady’s maid, even though Emily kept reminding her that a friendship between them was too American by far. After her hair was curled and piled on her head, a few discrete cosmetics applied and her dress buttoned up and brushed clean, Adeline retired to the main sitting room in the suite to wait for her father to appear and escort her to dinner.
    Simon entered the room a few minutes later, arguing with his valet. Having risen from nothing, it was not natural for Mr. James to be pawed and fussed over. Although he’d realized long ago that he must succumb to this blue-blooded custom if he was to rub shoulders with the sort of society he expected his daughter to marry into. However, that didn’t mean he had to enjoy it.
    “Come now, Adeline, let us escape before Albury tries to tuck something else in.” Simon held out his elbow for his daughter to grasp and they made their way to the first-class dining room. “Now don’t forget, the Viscount of Denbigh isn’t used to our colonial ways, so you must try not to shock him with your outspokenness and independence.”
    “I think I know how to behave properly, Papa.” Adeline scolded. “Between mother, my tutors, and Stone, I will be the epitome of a proper English lady, but not quite so boring.” Adeline added playfully.
    It had the desired effect of making her father laugh outright. “Naughty child. That is exactly the sort of outrageous talk you are to avoid.” Simon patted her arm as they strolled the deck to their destination. “But of course, that’s why I adore you.” He sighed with resignation, making Adeline smile to herself.
    Lord Denbigh was indeed a handsome fellow, with his blond curly hair and expressive brown eyes. He stood and bowed gallantly when Simon and Adeline approached the table.
    “Ah, the lovely Miss James. What a pleasure to finally meet you.” he said, smiling with only half his mouth in a way that Adeline didn’t especially care for. It was as if he was not quite sure that it was a pleasure to be introduced, and he might have to reconsider.
    Adeline curtsied as Emily had taught her, and allowed the viscount to pull out her chair as she sat down.
    “I’ve admired you from afar on this voyage.” The viscount startled Adeline with the compliment. It seemed he might have been

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