Heaven Bound (A Blakemore Family Book: Madame Lou Series Book 2)

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Book: Heaven Bound (A Blakemore Family Book: Madame Lou Series Book 2) by SaraLynn Hoyt Read Free Book Online
Authors: SaraLynn Hoyt
The old earl’s voice began to quiver and fade. He clearly had more to tell her about his own untimely death, but the connection was fading and Cassie drifted back into a dreamless slumber.
    “Mr. James, may I join you for a drink?” Jackson indicated the chair next to Simon in the men’s smoking room, trying to find some excuse to distract himself.
    “Of course, my boy.” Simon folded the newspaper he had been reading for probably the third time since departing New York. “I look forward to arriving in London and getting all the latest news.”
    “So what are your plans once you reach town?” Jackson asked as he accepted a glass of whiskey from the waiter.
    “We’ll be leaving for Paris immediately.” Simon lit up a cigar and took a few puffs. “Then I must marry Adeline off to an earl or a duke or any of those sorts. If I can get a little business done as we go, all the better.”
    Jackson, of course, knew what Mr. James had planned for his daughter, but he’d never been able to imagine Adeline married to a man for business purposes. Not with her fire and passion for her causes. But of course, her father knew nothing about her social reform activities.
    “And Adeline has agreed to being married off, regardless of her feelings?” The question was rather personal, but Jackson couldn’t seem to help himself.
    “Oh, no, not just to anyone, I’m afraid.” Simon sipped his own drink thoughtfully before continuing. “She will not allow me to choose for her. She’s become an independent lass since her mother passed away and was firm that she would agree to this marriage not only because I desire it, but because it was her mother’s greatest desire as well. However, my little Addie insisted that the man would have to be of her choosing or she would simply never marry.”
    “Well, from what I know, Adeline is going to be hard to please.” Jackson didn’t say what he was really thinking, that choosing among the willing—or more specifically—desperate Toffs he’d known growing up would severely limit Adeline’s choices.
    “Indeed, indeed.” Simon stared off into the distance contemplating his near future. “I fear we will be staying in London for quite some time to come. That’s precisely why I decided to buy a house for Adeline instead of just letting out a place. I want to be sure that if I need to get back to New York before she’s made a decision, that I can at least leave her with a staff that is dedicated to her safety and comfort.”
    “Are you having dinner in the dining room tonight?” Jack asked politely, wondering if Lady Huntingdon would invite him back to her cabin again this evening.
    “Yes, and I’d invite you to join us, but the Viscount of Denbigh will be paying court to Adeline. With a little luck, he will be the one and my work will be done.” Simon laughed and slapped Jack on the back. “Who am I kidding, our Addie won’t be that easy to convince. Well, Jack, wish me luck anyway.”
    “Good luck, Simon.” Jackson said without meaning it. Walking back to his cabin he’d already decided to accidentally interrupt the James’s dinner. He knew Denbigh from when he’d been in school and he wanted to make certain the man didn’t misrepresent himself to Adeline.
    * * *
    “Oh, Miss, he is going to be smitten the moment he lays eyes on you.” Emily hurried her mistress into the dressing room. “I’ve picked out one of your Worth gowns; I hope you approve.”
    “Yes, this is one of my favorites.” Adeline said, stroking the apple-green silk gown trimmed with silvery-black lace and silver piping and beads. Cunning little black bows were lined up in a row straight down the back of it and the neckline was demure but slightly off the shoulder.
    “Will you let me add some additional cosmetics to your toilette?” Emily was even more eager for the evening than Adeline.
    “I suppose, if you keep it very light. I don’t want him to get the wrong impression. And

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