HEAT Vol. 2 (Master Chefs: HEAT Series #2)

Read Online HEAT Vol. 2 (Master Chefs: HEAT Series #2) by Kailin Gow - Free Book Online

Book: HEAT Vol. 2 (Master Chefs: HEAT Series #2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
from pleasant.  “No.  I want to talk to you in
swallowed as fear engulfed me.  “I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”
it’s up to you.  You can accept my invitation and come sit down and talk to me
face to face, then go on with your happy little life, or you can stay home and
ignore this invitation, but your happiness forever after might be compromised.”
now took over and I trembled.  “What do you mean, compromised?”
I’m saying is, I can’t guarantee the safety of those you love.”
that…  Is that a threat?”
No.  Not a threat.  Just like I say.  I can’t guarantee their safety.  You
know, things happen… bad things, accidents.  The world is filled with
had no family, so he couldn’t very well be talking about parents or siblings. 
That left only…  I leaned up against the wall as the thought of something
happening to Bobby hit me.
that’s my girl.  Meet me at the old Camille warehouse out by the water
filtration plant.”
was a deserted and desolate part of town.  “Why can’t we make it in front of
the Louvre.”
try.  Camille, noon tomorrow.”
hung up and I was left staring at my phone for a full five minutes.  What had
just happened?
didn’t sleep that night and I wasn’t able to eat the next morning.  I
considered letting Bobby know about this secret meeting, but knew he wouldn’t
let me go alone, putting himself in even more danger.
eleven o’clock, I pulled off my lab coat, and changed into a comfortable pair
of jeans, a dark blue shirt and good sneakers, in case I needed to run.
not feeling very well,” I told my supervisor.  “I’m just going to run down to
the pharmacy for some cough syrup or something.”
nodded and jotted down the time.
took a cab out to the Camille warehouse.  Even through I’d paid the driver to
hang around and wait a few minutes, he drove off the moment I got out of the
car and shut the door.
him, I looked across from the abandoned building at the vast field of
wildflowers amidst untamed shrubs.  Many of the shrubs boasted a bright white
plastic grocery bag that beat in the wind as if protesting the pollution that
blew their way on a daily basis.  It was a dismal picture indeed.
turned to the warehouse and waited.  Was I expected to go inside?
large sliding door creaked and screeched open and a tall, good looking young
man with jet black hair to his shoulders, mysterious dark eyes and a strong
physique took a solitary step out.  In black leather pants tucked into black
riding boots and a black leather vest over a pristine white long sleeve shirt,
he was an impressive and imposing figure.  Okay, not just imposing, downright
sexy.  He looked more like the type of man who could model for GQ rather than
make threatening phone calls.
take it inside,” he called out.
looked nothing like a thug or maniac.  Then again, what did I expect a thug or
maniac to look like?  I walked up to him and he moved aside to let me in.  From
close up, he was even better looking.  His eyes were hard, but smoldered with
something intensely sexual, intensely untamed.  Though he didn’t smile, his
lips turned up slightly at the corners, giving him a constantly amused expression.
inside the empty warehouse I was flanked by two large men who each took a firm
hold of my elbows.
no need for that,” I complained as I tried to pull away.  “I’m here, aren’t I?”
sexy, dark haired man nodded at the two goons who sat me in a hard, straight
backed chair and released me, though they remained close by.
grew up prettier than I’d imagined, Lilly.”
frowned, and when he took a slow, long look at me, pausing at my breasts and
hips, I had to look away.
you grew up nicely.  You were kind of gangly the last time I saw you.”
me?  When

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