Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family)

Read Online Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family) by Ashley Blake - Free Book Online

Book: Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family) by Ashley Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Blake
    “Well, it looked like Kelly was keeping you company.”
    “Abby, Kelly is old news.  We went out a few times and that’s it.  There is nothing going on there.”
    “Do all of your exes hang out and wait for you at the bar?”
    “No.  She just didn’t get the hint that it was over.  She’s a nice girl but I’m with the one I want to be with.  I’m not interested in seeing anyone but you.  You have to understand that there will be girls hanging around us all the time because we’re a pretty popular band.  But groupies are not my thing, and neither is cheating.  If I don’t want to be with someone I tell them, I don’t lead them on.  No games here, Abby.”
    I don’t know if it was the tone of his voice or the words that came out of his mouth, but I instantly felt better.
    “Okay, no games here either.”
    “Good.  When can I see you?”
    “We have late rehearsal tonight, but not too late this time, we should be done around 10:00.  Are you working at the bar tonight?”
    “No, I have no plans if you’re free.”
    “I can meet you after practice, if that works for you.”
    “Yeah, that works.  How about I pick you up at the dance studio?”
    “Sounds good.  I’ll call you when we’re done.”
    “Okay baby, can’t wait to see you tonight.”
    I went back to practice on cloud nine and the rest of the day did not pass fast enough for me.  We finished up a little bit after 9:00 that night and I rushed home to take a shower and make myself pretty for Zane.  I called him when I was almost ready and told him that I decided to go home to freshen up since we finished early.
    “Okay, I will be there in 20 minutes.  Do you need to grab a bite to eat?”
    “No, we took a break earlier so I’m not hungry.”
    “Okay, well I’m leaving in a minute so I’ll see you soon.”
    I put the finishing touches on my makeup, checked my self in the mirror and then looked for my purse and my keys.  Claire was with Logan, again, so I didn’t have her to double-check my look.  I liked to bounce my fashion choices off of her sometimes because she said that I took too many risks.  I smiled to myself as I rolled my eyes.  Whatever .  My sister was the exact opposite of me and where she thought I could tone it down a bit, I thought she could sex it up a bit.  I did notice that she was dressing a little bit sexier now that she was hanging out with Logan and that was a good thing. He was different from any other guy she ever dated and so far I didn’t notice any red flags about him.  Zane buzzed me from downstairs and I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out.
    He gathered me in a huge hug and gave me a tender peck on the lips, his eyes searching mine as he held me close.
    “It’s so good to see you, I’ve missed you, Abby.”
    The butterflies rolled through my belly as I let out a soft sigh and small smile touched the corner of my lips.
    “You just saw me last night, silly.”
    “I know, but it was too fast.  And you were pissed at me.”
    I cocked my head to the side and decided to give him a little bit of a hard time.  “Well, maybe if you didn’t have exes hanging around all of the time I wouldn’t have a reason to be pissed.”
    “Abby, I didn’t want her there, she just showed up.”  He then gave me a devilish grin.  “But, I can’t help it if all of the ladies can’t resist me!”
    I playfully swatted his arm and giggled as I tried to pull away from him, but he held me closer and the look on his face became serious.
    “You can’t get away from me that easily, Abby Hunter.  You have my heart and I am all yours.”
    That was exactly what I wanted to hear and I hugged him tight as I whispered in his ear.
    “You have mine too.”
    We held each other for a minute and then we got in the car and went to his place.  When I walked in it looked the way I

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