Heart of the Music (Saints & Sinners #1)

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Book: Heart of the Music (Saints & Sinners #1) by Kaithlin Shepherd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaithlin Shepherd
having her close to him. They stayed at the café for over an hour, talking about everything and anything. She was more comfortable with him, and he couldn’t remember a time he’d spent with a woman that came close to what he was feeling tonight.
    “I don’t want to fight this anymore, Jar. I’m exhausted,” she told him as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
    “We don’t have to fight this, Trish. I don’t care what anyone has to say about us. No one gets to tell me how to live my life…apart from my mom.” He laughed, and when he heard her giggle, he knew they would be okay. It might be a long process to get her to where he was, but he never backed away from a challenge.
    When it became too cold to stay outside, they headed back to the hotel. The need to feel her, to hold her, was overwhelming. He pulled her into his body, and as her head rested on his chest, she relaxed in his arms. In terms of best days of his life, this one ranked pretty high on the scale.
    Patricia pulled away from him slightly, moved onto the tip of her toes, and pressed her lips to his. In that moment, he knew he was done for. Her kiss was gentle, unlike the other ones they’d shared. She let herself be vulnerable, and he did the same. She wasn’t just kissing him, she was opening her soul to him, and he was taking everything she had to give. Her arms went around his neck as she pulled him closer, and he groaned into the kiss, desperate to feel more of her. She pulled away first. Eyes locked, they stared at each other for a few seconds before he lowered his mouth to hers.
    He didn’t care that they were kissing in the middle of the street, or that anyone could see them and take a picture. As he took her mouth, all he fucking cared about was claiming her as his, and with every passing second, that was exactly what he did. When he pulled away, her lips were swollen from his kiss and her face was flushed. He took her hand and neither of them said a word as they continued walking back to the hotel. They were greeted by a few fans who wanted autographs and photos.
    It took him about half an hour to get through the crowd and make his way back to her. “You ready?” she asked him. He gave her a quick kiss, took her hand, and walked toward the elevator.
    When they arrived on her floor, they headed silently to her room. Reaching her door, he leaned against the wall and waited for her to say something.
    “What happens when this ends, Jarrod? What do we do after one of us ends up with a broken heart? We work together. It’s not like we can escape each other after it all goes to hell”
    Fear laced her words; hell, he was scared too. To ease her worries, he’d play by her rules, for now.
    “The only problem with that, sweetheart, is that you’re afraid we’ll end before we ever got started. But trust me when I say, you and me, we’re never going to quit each other. We’re already in it. I’m in so deep I feel like I’m drowning. So, when you realize you’re right there with me, let me know.” He kissed her forehead, and smiled when she shivered under his touch, before walking away from her. She might not be ready yet, but he wasn’t going anywhere. He was ready to wait for as long as it took.

    Chapter Four
    4 years ago
    Patricia couldn’t believe this was really happening. After months of non-stop work, the guys were finally getting signed by a major label. Sitting in the corner booth of the restaurant where the label executives had taken them to celebrate the news, she looked around at each of the guys, from her corner table, and a smile filled her face. These five men were her family now. They meant the world to her, and to see them this happy made her a little emotional.
    “What are you doing sitting alone over here? This is as much your victory as ours. Have a drink, Trish.” She looked up at Sam as he spoke to her, and she couldn’t help but smile at him when she saw how truly overjoyed he

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