Heart of Mine (Bandit Creek)

Read Online Heart of Mine (Bandit Creek) by Michelle Beattie - Free Book Online

Book: Heart of Mine (Bandit Creek) by Michelle Beattie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Beattie
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you, I'd be nice to Jake. Had it been me, you'd only be getting ten dollars and change. It was Jake's idea to give you the full fifty."
    He looked like a bull ready to charge but Laura held her ground. She was through being intimidated. She didn't need to speak, however, as Jake did.
    "I've told you before to stay off my land. The next time I'll have you arrested for trespassing. And," he added, crowding her father until Hugh had to look up to meet Jake's scowl, "if you ever go near my wife again I'll hunt you down and make you pay for everything you've put her through over the years." Grabbing Hugh's collar, Jake yanked him up. "I don't gamble because I can't bluff worth a damn, so consider yourself warned."
    Jake opened his hand, released his grip. Hugh staggered back but he righted himself and hurried to straighten his shirt, to regain some sense of control. Laura wasn't sure if Jake saw it or not, but despite her father standing tall and puffing out his chest, a whisper of desperation underscored his actions.
    "You think you're so high falootin', Jake, strutting around with all your money? That's easy to do when you haven't earned it. You come from money and then you inherit part of a gold mine. You wouldn't be so high and mighty if you'd had to earn your fortune."
    Jake's brows arched. "And what would you know about earning anything? Seems to me it was your wife and daughter that did all the earning in your house."
    Hugh's face mottled. His hands curled into white-knuckle fists. "Your turn's coming, Evans. Just you wait." Then before Jake could retort, Hugh spun, grabbed the door and slammed it behind him.
    Laura cringed as the vibrations rattled beneath her feet.
    "Are you all right?"
    "Yes, but I'm glad that's over." A twinge of unease remained lodged in her back and Laura rolled her shoulders to be rid of it. Her father would be a fool to go after Jake. But then, her father wasn't known for his good sense.
    "He's out of our lives now." Jake raised his hand, cupped her cheek. His thumb stroked her skin for a few glorious breaths. She could have stood there all day but he lowered his hand and asked, "Shall we go?"
    Of course, she thought as disappointment rolled over her. He needed to get to work. "Yes, I've held you up long enough."
    At the buckboard he helped her up but after taking his seat and the reins, he didn't head for either the Ellis Mine office, nor Montana Street, which would take them to the ranch. Instead he turned down Main Street and stopped the buckboard in front of the First Citizens Bank. Theirs wasn't the only wagon on the street but it was the only one drawing attention. More than one body was staring.
    Assuming he had business to deal with, Laura was confused when he came around to her side and held out a hand. "You go ahead; I'll wait here."
    "Laura, I need you to come with me."
    He took her hand, leaving her little choice but to step down. On the boardwalk everything came to a standstill as Jake once again offered her his arm. A few heads came together to whisper. Some folks pretended not to stare as they covertly looked from the corners of their eyes. Laura knew better. First supper last night, and now this. Tongues would be wagging for months.
    "I really am fine waiting here," she reiterated.
    "For what I have in mind, Laura, you need to come with me."
    What exactly did he have in mind? she wondered as they entered the subdued and polished First Citizens Bank. Again thinking she could wait at the door while Jake tended to his business, Jake proved her wrong once more when he placed his hand over hers. "Stop fighting me, woman, and let me do this."
    There were as many stares inside when Jake took her to the counter.
    "Can I help you, Mr. Evans?" the teller asked, his attention solely on Jake.
    "Yes. I'd like to add my wife's name to my accounts."
    "You what?" Laura sputtered. "Jake, you don't need to--"
    His stare silenced her, but it did nothing to hide the misgivings in the teller's eyes. Nor

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