Heart Melter

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Book: Heart Melter by Sophia Knightly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Knightly
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York worries behind. She reclined on the eiderdown comforter, closed her eyes and gave into the jet lag that overtook her.
    When Natasha awoke, the room smelled of melted wax. She turned on the chandelier above the bed and checked her watch. 3:30 pm. She couldn’t believe she’d slept so long and so deeply. She had just enough time to get dressed and run downstairs for tea.
    Natasha found Maggie in the patio garden, surrounded by clusters of wild flowers flourishing in the cool, vaporous weather. Bluebells and honeysuckle, many varieties of thistle and a splendid display of roses filled the garden with vivid color.
    "Come sit beside me." Maggie patted the space next to her on a dark green wrought iron bench. “Dugie prepared some treats. Are you hungry, lass?”
    “Yes. Everything looks delicious.” Natasha’s stomach rumbled at the tempting sight of assorted tea sandwiches, plump currant-studded scones, clotted cream and homemade raspberry jam set out by the cook. Dugie had been the MacGregor family cook since Ian was born. She had started out as the kitchen maid and was now running the kitchen with the help of her daughter, Emma.
    Maggie poured Earl Grey tea into delicate porcelain teacups and handed her a steaming cup.
    “Thank you.” Natasha took a sip of the fragrant, perfectly brewed tea. “Where’s Ranald?”
    “He won’t be joining us. He’s giving Evita a grand tour of the grounds. She’s already gotten more kisses from Ranald in one day than I have all month,” Maggie said with a snort. She handed Natasha a porcelain dish and offered her a scone.
    “Thanks.” Natasha broke off a piece and slathered a spoonful of cream and a dab of raspberry jam on top before devouring it in two bites. “Oh, yum. It’s so good!”
    “Dugie will be happy to hear it. She’s had her wee daughter on a tight schedule. Emma’s head has been in the clouds since she got engaged to young Colin last month.”
    Natasha smiled. “That’s nice. I remember Emma. She was sweet and quiet as she followed Dugie around,” she said, recalling the shy girl.
    “It’s hard for her to get a word in edgewise. Dugie’s bossy and verra outspoken,” Maggie said, chuckling. She pointed to a coppery-orange rose and looked at Natasha expectantly. "Do you remember those roses?”
    Natasha nodded quietly.
    “And the name Ian chose for this hybrid?"
    “Yes, he named them after me," Natasha said with a pang. Maggie seemed to think everything was fine between her and Ian now. Sadly, it wasn’t the case. 
    Maggie laid a gentle hand on Natasha’s forearm. "Why so glum?" 
    "I didn’t realize I looked sad, Maggie. I guess it’s because I wanted to make peace with Ian before coming to Glenhaven, but he still hasn't forgiven me for breaking off our engagement. I've missed him terribly."
    Maggie patted Natasha's shoulder. "Don’t give up, even if Ian pushes you away. After your break-up, the lad was a mess. He had dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping and his cheeks were gaunt from barely eating. He was in a foul temper for weeks. Ranald and I were beside ourselves."
    Natasha drew in a ragged sigh. “What did you do?”
    Maggie’s wise eyes glowed with zeal. “I badgered him so much to open up, he finally did, just to quiet me. Ian felt torn apart inside. He had planned a life with you here and you betrayed him when Anitra intervened." She shook her head unhappily. “Those were his words, not mine.”
    Natasha blinked back tears. Her shoulders slumped as she set the scone on the plate, her appetite gone. “I didn't mean to betray him, Maggie. I couldn't be in a marriage that was so limiting. I had just graduated and was eager to spread my wings with music and follow my dreams—dreams Ian couldn't share."
    Bittersweet memories came flooding back to the summer when she’d first met Ian. He had been formidable even then, but also tender and kind, tilting her world off its axis in the span of a summer. Crazy in love, they

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