Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)

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Book: Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1) by Morgan Kearns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Kearns
ecstasy that leapt off the pages. She dropped it into her lap and nearly moaned as her fingers caressed the half naked figures on the front. Sebastian was every woman’s dream; a large man, in every aspect, breathtakingly gorgeous, caring, protective, and extremely possessive.
    Damn, Nikolai could take lessons on how to take what he wants , she thought bitterly. That would sure as hell make this a lot easier on me. But the thought was followed by the realization that maybe he didn’t want her at all, and maybe she was making herself miserable while he wined and dined and— Her heart clenched. – bedded other women.
    Stop thinking about him! She leaned back against the tree. Instead of taking her mind off of Nikolai, her thoughts drifted to him. She pictured him with fangs, raking them over her skin. What Gabby wouldn’t give for a vampire of her own, one who would make her his, claim her with the primal instincts of his race.
    She laughed—hard.
    “ Vampires aren’t real!”
    The sun moved across the sky and began its daily retreat behind the Oquirrh Mountains. She gathered her things and walked slowly back to her car, back to reality, back to the fiancé who wasn’t Nikolai.

    Chapter Six
    Jayson leaned against the opened door and smiled big enough he could have doubled as a Jack-o-Lantern. Gabby felt sick. She’d hoped he’d forgotten her earlier experiment. Apparently not.
    “ Hey babe. Come on in.” He opened the door wider and she stepped inside, setting her purse on the floor by the front door and slipping out of her shoes.
    She held up the movie she’d rented. “You said you wanted to see this one.”
    Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he covered it quickly. “Hell, yeah. You want something to drink? Popcorn?”
    “ Water’s fine and I’d love some popcorn.”
    Jayson’s home was beautiful, a rambler in the Salt Lake suburb of Herriman. The upstairs had two bedrooms; the master suite and a guest room he used as an office. Most of the downstairs was unfinished with the exception of a huge game room, complete with pool table and bar.
    The entire place needed a feminine touch, and Jayson assured her she’d have free reign of the home décor. That was the kind of guy he was, one of the reasons she loved him. His kitchen, however, was one room she had no plans of changing. It was spacious with granite countertops and travertine floors.
    She helped herself to a glass from the cupboard and filled it with ice and water from the fridge.
    “ I can help with the popcorn.”
    “ I got it.” He fished the air-popper from the cabinet and filled it with kernels before plugging it in. The popper whirred to life and the little orange balls leapt to life—right out the top. “Holy shit! Where’s the lid?”
    He jumped around like the popcorn, hopping from one foot to the other, his arms waving like a pinwheel. Gabby burst out laughing. Not able to decide whether to use his hands to keep the hot projectiles in the popper or search for the lid, Jayson looked like he was having convulsions.
    She wiped a tear from her cheek and yanked the cord from the wall. “Viola.”
    He glowered then laughed and plucked a kernel from her hair. It was moments like this that verified marrying Jayson would be a good thing. He could make her laugh and life with him would be comfortable.
    Snuggling together on the couch, popcorn in the bowl where it belonged, they started the movie. When she started drifting, Jayson lay down on the couch and eased her down in front of him. She complied, snuggling into his warm body. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.
    He sniffed into her hair and she stiffened. “You smell like—” He sniffed again. “Gabby, you smell like a guy. Why do you smell like a guy?”
    She turned onto her back to be able to look him in the eye. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    He lifted her hair to her nose. “Don’t tell me you don’t smell it. It’s

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