Healing Hands (The Queen of the Night series Book 2)

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Book: Healing Hands (The Queen of the Night series Book 2) by Laura Emmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Emmons
sense it in his aura.”
    “Exactly,” I concluded, “we don’t need to protect him from harm, we don’t need to take away his magic, we need to take magic away from his aura. Auras have layers. The layer closest to a person shows their personality traits. The next layer shows their mood. The third layer shows their magical gifts. We need to camouflage his magic layer!”  I was very proud of myself for figuring this out but Rose was skeptical.
    Fiona, on the other hand, looked thoughtful. She wondered out loud, “we don’t need to really change the aura he emanates, either. We just need to change what Seers perceive of it using their gift.”
    “Yup, that’s it.”
    “I wonder if there are any amulets or charmed objects which might do such a thing?”
    Suddenly, I heard someone tug on the screen door at the front of the cabin. Half a second later, the front door pushed open. “Hey, is anyone home?” 
    I poked my thumb in the direction of the foyer. “Why don’t you ask him, I bet he knows?  I have to go put clothes on now.”
    “Didn’t I just suggest clothes?” grumbled Fiona.
    “Yeah, but I don’t care if two old ladies and my baby brother see me braless in my spaghetti-strap tank top and undies.”
    Rose frowned, “What do you mean ‘old ladies’?”
    Fiona shrugged, “Well, I am an old lady.”
    I chuckled and skirted back to the bedroom through the living room, while Evan approached the dining room from the kitchen.
    Once I’d brushed both my hair and teeth and had put on real clothes, I returned. “Did you ask him yet?”
    “Ask me what?”
    “No, we needed to discuss something else. Please sit. You whippersnappers are giving me a crick in my neck.” 
    I smiled at her. I might be paying for the ‘old ladies’ crack for a while.
    Rose returned from the kitchen with two mugs of steaming peppermint tea.
    I took mine gratefully.
    Fiona started. “Evan, do you know of a way to subdue the gold from a person’s aura?”
    “Huh?  No, why would you want to take someone’s magic away from them?”
    I jumped in, “No, we wouldn’t want to take away a person’s magic. We’d like to hide it from their aura. Have you ever seen the magical layer of someone’s aura change all of a sudden?”
    “No, that just doesn’t make sense. You can’t lose your magic.”  Then after thinking for several long heartbeats, he snapped his fingers. “Wait a minute. I remember something. I have seen that happen before. It was the weirdest thing. We freaked.”
    “What happened?” Fiona prompted.
    “On a field trip in ninth grade, we went to the Museum of Geology and Natural History in Morgantown.”
    “Okay,” I urged.
    “This guy in my class stood next to a huge boulder of coral and his magical aura disappeared!”
    “So we started walking around the museum, taking turns standing next to different rocks. The rocks affected the colors in a person’s magical aura, in the third layer.”
    “Rose, find out what hours this museum is open and get directions. I think a trip is in order for these young people.”
    Two hours later Evan, Corey, and I sat in his Jeep driving along the interstate heading toward Morgantown. Fiona and Rose had funeral details to attend to, so we were on our own.
    Corey still looked sleepy. I don’t think he slept well at all. This field trip was a good idea even if the only thing it did was keep him from focusing on his grief for a while.
    It was good for me too. The drive to the little museum on the edge of the Cheat Lake Valley took two and a half hours, but the scenery was breathtaking. From the highway you could see rolling vistas of farmland in the valleys and densely forested mountains. I kept Evan busy with a barrage of questions about the high school I’d be attending in a week.
    After the long drive, it felt really good to get out of the car and stretch my legs. Corey insisted on food first, so we stopped at a pancake house.
    The boys teased me about

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