He Owns My Wife
    “It was fine” she answers, brushing past me. I watch that lovely round ass and the back of her long, shapely legs in her little black skirt as she hurries up the stairs saying she needs the bathroom. I pour her a glass of her usual red wine then she returns downstairs, kicks off her strappy heels and with a luxuriating sigh, lies back and stretches her bare legs on the sofa.
    After a few sips of her drink she says: “One of the girls at work was telling me it’s Mick’s 50 th birthday tomorrow.” She shakes her main of blonde hair after a gulp of the wine. I let my gaze rise up from her legs and she looks at me over the top of her wine glass.
    “Apparently the full-time staff have organised a surprise party for him tomorrow afternoon. They’ve asked me if I want to go. I’m supposed to be honoured, I’m the only part-timer that’s been invited” she says making a mock “I’m so important” kind of face and laughing.
    I get up and go into the kitchen to fetch myself a beer, and thinking about the possibilities of Lisa spending some ‘leisure’ time with Mick, shout: “So do you fancy going? I could drive you over so you could have a drink there if you wanted.”
    When I return to her, Lisa is looking across at the TV news. “There’s a little bit more to it than that” she says, glancing back over at me with a combination of embarrassment and what looks like guilt.
    “Anita, one of the girls at work told me they’d booked a Strip-o-gram to give Mick his gift and a cake at the party” she says.
    “Lucky Mick!” I laugh and swig at my beer, wondering why guys like him always seemed to have people making such an effort for them.
    “The thing is, the strip-o-gram firm called tonight and cancelled because they found out they were double-booked”
    “And?” I ask, casually admiring the outline of her 36”DD breasts in her low-necked white blouse.
    “Anita said it might be funny if she and I did it for him instead!” she says quickly, looking directly at me with wide brown eyes and raised eyebrows. “She said Mick would get the shock of his life!”
    I feel my heart pound and throat tighten.
    “She’s said she’s got some sexy lingerie she could wear but she’d only do it if I did too.”
    “She.... was probably just joking” I manage to mumble, not daring to hope where this might lead. My head is swimming with what Lisa’s told me about all the other women this guy has had and discarded. Girls who worked at the bar, customers, single and married who, she says, “throw themselves at him”. I think of the suggestive and crude comments she tells me he’s made to her and how he’s started patting her ass sometimes now when she passes him behind the narrow bar. Some of the fantasies my wife has shared with me about him flood my mind.
    Once again the conflict inside me rises. Frustrated anger and humiliation at even the prospect of my pretty young wife stripping to her underwear as a birthday treat for this spoilt, lecherous old guy. At the same time, a shameful arousal that the mere idea of this is festering in me.
    On the one hand I want to tell her she’s “not going to his party”, that she should call Mick directly and say he can “stick his job”. Another part of me with a far stronger urge is desperate for Lisa to call Anita right away to ask what time she needs to be there tomorrow to strip off for Mick. I wish I were braver about suggesting what I want here but in the end, the subject is changed until we go to bed an hour or so later.
    “You know I’m fine with you going to Mick’s party don’t you?” I ask without turning my head towards her on the pillow. I let my voice trail off then whisper: “I love you so much. I’d never try to push you into anything you weren’t comfortable with. I have to say though, it’s a real horny thought... you dressed like that to give a birthday treat to some dirty old guy”.
    Lisa protests that Mick’s not “that old” as I

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