Hawk's Property: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 1)

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Book: Hawk's Property: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 1) by Chiah Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chiah Wilder
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
were worthy to don the full colors on their cuts. Being a prospect meant doing whatever a member told them to, without any questions or arguments. They were responsible for the menial and grunt jobs around and outside of the clubhouse and were allowed to speak only when spoken to.
    In the room behind the great one, there was a large kitchen where the old ladies would make the meals. Sometimes the whores would cook, as well, but mostly, they cleaned. Walking through the back door, Hawk saw Doris, Ruben’s old lady, drying a large pot in the kitchen.
    Doris had been Ruben’s old lady for as long as Hawk had known them. They had a couple of kids and seemed to understand each other in a way he sometimes envied. Ruben had his pussy on the side, and Doris pitched in with club activities, but she mostly raised their two kids and lived her life away from the club. If Ruben’s fucking around bothered her, she never showed it, and Hawk admired her for the respect she gave Ruben and the brothers. She knew her place. She knew the sluts Ruben sucked and fucked meant nothing more than pussy on a Friday night, and Ruben’s heart and love belonged to her only. Doris was a good example of what an old lady should be—women could learn a lot from her.
    “Hiya, Hawk. We missed you last night.”
    “Had some shit to do. Where’s Ruben?”
    “Snoring in one of the rooms upstairs. He got so fucking plastered last night.” She smiled widely. “It was a helluva party.”
    “Banger around?”
    “Yeah, he’s in the great room.”
    Hawk nodded and walked toward the great room. Inside, he saw some of the brothers passed out on the floor, a few of them with naked women on top of them. A couple of his brothers were sitting wide-legged on the couch, beer in hand while two sluts, their tits jiggling as they moved their mouths and hands up and down, kneeled between their legs, sucking the shit out of their dicks.
    Squinting, Hawk spotted Banger with his face buried in a whore’s pussy, who sat on top of the bar, legs spread wide, playing with her tits as Banger ate her out. Hawk came over and slapped the president on the back. “Enjoying yourself?”
    Banger pulled his mouth away and the slut pouted and scolded him. “I ain’t finished yet, baby. I love the way you eat my pussy. I need to come for you and then suck your cock.” She ran her purple talons down his back.
    Banger pushed her away, saying, “Slut, get outta here. I got club business goin’ now. Go on, get your ass outta here.”
    Crestfallen, she jumped off the bar and Banger slapped her ass. “Later, bitch. I’ll finish ya later.”
    She walked over to another brother who was drinking a beer at a table and sat on his lap, her ass pressing against his cock. As she brought her mouth down on his, they kissed and groped each other. Hawk shook his head. “Who’s that one? I haven’t seen her before.”
    “Shit, I can’t remember her name. She and a bunch of her friends came by last night to party. They were wild—gave the brothers a good time. This slut, she must’ve done all the brothers every which way. She’s a damn good fuck. You should try her. She’s eyeing you now.”
    Hawk looked over at the woman who was grinding her ass into Ronnie’s cock. She winked at Hawk and blew him a kiss. He stared, stone-faced. “Nah, I think I’ll pass. Not my type.”
    “When in the fuck did that matter?” Banger joked. “You’ve fucked two and three sluts at once, and it didn’t look like you were all that choosy. Shit, it’s good pussy.”
    Hawk shook his head; he didn’t want any of the bitches there. Yeah, he was horny as hell, and it had been a while since he had some pussy, but the only one he wanted was Cara’s. That woman was messing with his head, and it pissed him the hell off that he wanted her so much. He needed to just fuck the shit out of her and get it out of his system. After that, he could go back to his normal life: riding, working, drinking, and random

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