Haven 1: Caution: Contents Under Pressure

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Book: Haven 1: Caution: Contents Under Pressure by Gabrielle Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabrielle Evans
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rested over Stavion’s cheek, his hand was shaking so badly it vibrated his mate’s face. Stavion didn’t seem to mind, though. He closed his eyes and sighed, turning his head slightly so that he could rub his cheek against Jory’s palm.
    His warm fingers curled around Jory’s hand, holding it in a loose grip. Then he turned his head a little more and placed a tender kiss right over the pulsing vein in his wrist. “I’ll give you anything you want, Jory. We can take as much time as you need. I just want you close to me.”
    Steeling his courage and taking a chance, Jory voiced his first desire in almost five years. “I like it when you call me baby. Will you please call me that again?”
    Stavion’s eyelids fluttered open, and he smiled bright enough to rival the sun, his white teeth gleaming in the moonlight. Very gently he brushed the hair back from Jory’s face and kissed the tears from his cheeks. “My baby,” he whispered.
    Jory liked that even more. His heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest and his stomach did flips and loops, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. His first request had gone well, so he hoped he had as much success with the second.
    “Will…Will you kiss me again? I like the way you kiss me.”
    Stavion cradled the back of Jory’s head in his large hand as he placed tiny kisses along Jory’s cheek and down to the corner of his lips. “You never have to ask for a kiss.” He pressed their lips together, gentle at first, then with more pressure.
    Jory gasped when he felt his mate’s tongue tickle the seam of his lips. His sudden intake of breath allowed Stavion to slip inside, his tongue brushing against Jory’s, stroking it and encouraging him to respond.
    Moaning softly, Jory’s arms moved around Stavion’s neck as if by instinct, and he opened wider, pushing himself closer to his mate.
    Stavion kept the kiss gentle, licking at the inside of Jory’s mouth in slow, languid glides of his tongue.
    Jory wanted more. He tightened his arms and rocked his hips, his brain short-circuiting as Stavion continued to make love to his mouth.
    His cock ached, his balls churned, and his whole body felt like it was on fire as he rubbed his dick over Stavion’s muscled stomach.
    Oh, he liked kissing. There was something so intimate about the act. While he didn’t have anything to compare it to, it had to be the best kiss in the history of kisses. Stavion knew exactly what he was doing. Every caress of his tongue stoked the embers in Jory’s belly until he thought he’d combust from them.
    Stavion’s other hand gripped Jory’s chin, tilting his head slightly and taking the kiss deeper. Jory went off like a bottle rocket. His body stiffened, his cock pulsed, and a low groan flowed from his mouth as he coated Stavion’s stomach with his semen.
    It was complete euphoria for about three seconds before Jory realized what he’d done. A quiet growl rumbled in Stavion’s chest, and he went completely still.
    Jory jerked out of his mate’s arms and scrambled backward until he fell off the bed. Knowing it was useless to run, he curled into a ball and wrapped his arms around his head. Things had been going so well. Why did he have to go and fuck it up? “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please, I’m so sorry.”

Chapter Six
    Stavion’s heart shattered in his chest as he listened to Jory apologize over and over. He should have taken things slower. But, God, Jory tasted so good, and he hadn’t been able to help himself.
    The fact that Jory had erupted with nothing more than a kiss was the sexiest thing Stavion had ever witnessed. It was such a turn-on, he’d been damn close to following Jory right over the edge.
    Throwing his feet over the edge of the bed, he slipped to the floor and kneeled beside his distressed mate. He rested his hand on Jory’s shoulder, but pulled it back when the man flinched beneath his touch.
    “I’m sorry, Stavion. I’m sorry. Please, I didn’t mean to.” The

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