Read Online HARDER by Olivia Hawthorne, Olivia Long - Free Book Online

Book: HARDER by Olivia Hawthorne, Olivia Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Hawthorne, Olivia Long
we’ll get it sorted out.”
    “I know it’s hard for you to understand, but I can’t afford this right now,” I sniffled.
    “Listen, I’m going to lend you a car for now and I’ll have this one towed to my mechanic. He’ll figure out what needs to be done and I’ll make sure it gets fixed. You can repay me by letting me hang around Lucy’s soccer games, okay?”
    I sniffled and smiled, “Seriously?”
    “Seriously. I had such a good time with you yesterday. I want to be your friend, and friends do nice things for each other. Let me help you.”
    “I guess,” I told him. “I don’t think I can drive something like your truck though.”
    “I’ve got a minivan,” he said with a grin.
    “A minivan? That doesn’t seem like something you’d drive.”
    “I usually let the housekeeper drive it, but since the last one quit I haven’t had any need for it.”
    “What is it with you and people quitting?” I asked.
    He looked at me, thought for a moment and sighed. “You know how I was when you met me. I’m an asshole sometimes and I just can’t help it.”
    “Have you ever thought about just not being an asshole?” I asked.
    “Yeah, but it doesn’t seem to work,” he chuckled. “I will admit that since I’ve met you, it feels like I’m not an asshole more than I am an asshole and for that my staff is grateful.”
    “Glad I could be of service,” I laughed.
    He had me wait by my car and bounded up his steps to somewhere through the house and in the back I assumed. I wondered what his property looked like and how many cars he had stashed in his garage.
    Within a few moments he came around the corner in a new bright cherry red minivan, grinning like a madman.
    “This is it,” he announced as he hopped out. “Is it okay?”
    “Are you kidding me?” I exclaimed. “This is amazing!”
    “I never thought I’d see somebody so excited to drive something like this. You’d think I was handing you the keys to my Ferrari.”
    “You have a Ferrari too?” I asked with wide eyes. Now that was more like something I’d see Caleb driving.
    “Yeah,” he laughed. “I barely get a chance to drive it around here though, the roads are so bloody rough. I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought it.”
    “Are you absolutely certain about this?” I asked as he held out the keys.
    “Absolutely,” he said. “I want you to be happy and I want your life to be easy. If I can do something to make that happen, then please let me.”
    I took Lucy’s booster seat from the back of my car and transferred it to the van and smiled to myself at my good luck.
    It seemed like things might be going my way for once, not only was Caleb single, but he was generous.
    I took keys from his hand and said, “I really do need to get back.” I gave him my car keys and stood on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. I noticed that he flinched when I did and I frowned to myself but didn’t let him see it. He was such a strange and complicated man, I didn’t know if I’d ever figure him out.
    “Take care, and I’ll see you soon,” he told me as I got in the van and started it up. The engine purred and there were only a few hundred miles on the odometer. I waved at Caleb, did another U turn on his street and drove back to work.
    It wasn’t until I was alone in the van that I let myself try to work through the twisting maze of emotions that Caleb Harder brought up inside of me.
    I felt like every time I finally caught a glimpse of the end, somebody shook it up on me and I started right back at the beginning.
    There was this overwhelming sense that finishing the maze would be worth it though, to have the heart of a man like him would mean everything good in the world for me.
    I decided I’d just keep trying.

    “ C an we keep it ?” Lucy shrieked when I picked her up from Mrs. Rigsby’s that night.
    “I’m afraid Caleb just lent it to us until our car is all better,” I told her and helped her strap into the back

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