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Book: Halflings by Heather Burch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Burch
Tags: Fantasy, Juvenile Fiction, Religious, Christian
hung on her like a letterman’s jacket, his head tilted over her shoulder though a good foot above. Nikki marveled at his lack of respect for personal space. Head that close to Krissy’s, they had to be breathing each other’s exhales. Not that Krissy seemed to mind. In fact, she’d gone a lovely shade of russet, one that clashed with her soft peach lips and nails.
    “Breathe, Krissy,” Nikki whispered.
    One giant breath in, and Krissy was off. “So, um, your name is Raven, right? That’s cool. Seems like your hair would be black. You know, ‘cause ravens are black.” She tossed blonde curls and angled her head to look at him without moving an inch of the rest of her body. “I’ve never known anyone named Raven before. And I guess you have brothers? It’s not like I was trying to find out or anything, I mean, it’s a fairly small school so, when someone new comes … But we’re not like totally backward or anything. It’s pretty cool here. So, your brothers, are they as, um, tall as you are?”
    Raven’s eyes fanned to Nikki. “Does she ever shut up?”
    Nikki smiled. “She hasn’t yet, but we’re still hoping.”
    “Oh.” Krissy flashed white teeth. “That’s funny. I bet you guys play football. I didn’t see any of your names on the list, but you have to, right? You’re totally built for it.”
    His eyes widened.
    “Did I just say you’re totally built? I
for football. Anyway, what’re your brothers like? Now that I think of it, maybe you’d be more suited to baseball or something. You know, long and lean. Do you play baseball?”
    Again, he directed the question to Nikki. “Which question should I answer first?”
    “How about mine?” Nikki said.
    Raven stiffened. “You never asked a question.”
    “Sure I did. You just weren’t paying attention to how it was asked. What
besides electricity causes ionized particles to fill the air?”
    He blanched, tensed, and any hint of a smile faded from his features.
    Krissy panicked. “We should all have lunch together. That way Nikki and I can fill you in about the school and town and stuff. Lots of people are planning to go bowling. It’s sort of a beginning-of-the-year tradition. You’re going, right, Nikki?”
    “No,” Nikki said.
    Krissy gasped. “Well, I’m sure Raven’s going to go, right?”
    He dropped his hands. “Whatever.”
    Krissy stood between Raven and Nikki, and Nikki was sure her friend could sense the sparks that flew freely.
could certainly sense them.
    But this time she wouldn’t get weak and wind up a gelatinous pool on the floor. Nikki’d thrown him off base with the ionized air comment, so she took the advantage and really examined the boy before her. Like with Mace, Raven’s gaze drew her focus. His eyes were an unusual shade and tinged with trouble. They were eyes that hid secrets and maybe a fair portion of pain.
    Just as Nikki was about to ask Raven to walk them to their next class, something flashed in the depths of those midnight eyes, distracting him from the banter. Though he didn’t stir a muscle, she could tell his attention shifted elsewhere.
    A strange sensation swept Nikki as she watched him. Time seemed to freeze as his body reacted to whatever had drawn his concentration. Moments later, she heard heated voices driftingfrom the teacher’s desk. The words grew in intensity, but her focus remained on Raven, who remained statue still — he didn’t even breathe. The thought
suddenly careened into her mind. He looked like an animal getting ready to make a kill.
    Nikki swallowed hard while prickly gooseflesh spread across her arms.
    He wasn’t human. And she wanted to get away.
    Tearing her gaze from him, she glanced at Krissy, who’d quieted but didn’t seem to notice any change in Raven.
    Finally, Nikki turned to see what had caused him to react. Two guys were arguing by the desk at the front of the class: one was dressed in camouflage and looked like he’d just come in

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