Guardian Domination

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Book: Guardian Domination by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
ordered, Jace informed me that he and Mark were going to check out the equipment delivery to the gig. Ignoring my pouting once again, he planted a quick kiss to the cheek and told me not to leave the hotel while they were gone.
    Fuming once again at being treated so poorly, I pulled the little bottles of liquor from my carry-on bag, unscrewed the top of the vodka and took a deep swig. After choking on the nasty, burning taste, I added the orange juice I found in the refrigerator, and quickly finished off that and the other two bottles. I had never had the opportunity to drink hard liquor before and enjoyed the wonderful, numb warmth traveling through my body and the sense of being absolutely invincible.
    The effects of the alcohol grew stronger as I left our room to venture down the hall and explore the hotel. People and places became blurry as I roamed about and several people inquired about my health as they led me to the big lobby and sat me in the overstuffed, oversized chair. With a purr, I closed my eyes and promptly fell asleep.
    “Excuse me, young woman,” a man with a strong British accent asked, “are you a guest here?”
    “Yeah,” I opened one eye to glare at him. How dare he awaken me? Where were people’s manners nowadays?
    He frowned, beckoning to another man in a suit. “This child seems to be inebriated. Do you know to whom she belongs?”
    “I belong to Master Jordon,” I giggled uncontrollably.
    “Please call her father…”
    “He’s my guardian and he’s out doing more important things than being with me,” I remarked crankily. “Lemme go back to sleep.”
    “Girard, would you please escort our guest to her suite and make certain she remains there until her guardian returns?”
    With some coaxing, I reluctantly rose to follow the butler, grabbing his arm as the room started spinning. He carefully steadied me, tsking all the way up.
    I groaned, grabbing my head. What was wrong with me? The boys would never leave me alone after this. I felt anger rising in me. This was THEIR fault. They should have taken me with them!
    When Jace and Mark returned, I was sitting on the couch with a washcloth over my eyes and groaning loudly. The butler stood respectfully, explained the situation and his instructions, and left quickly as Jace’s eyes grew dark and menacing. Mark stood over me with his hands on his hips, waiting for Jace to join him.
    “Don’t look at me so loudly,” I begged. The spinning had finally stopped and just left me feeling exhausted.
    “Where did you get the alcohol, young lady?” Jace asked. I squinted at him, not about to add another transgression for lying to the list of crimes committed against Jace’s sensibilities. Spilling forth the truth, including the information that there was another unopened bottle in my bag, I prayed my honesty would earn some leniency.
    Mark looked sick. “J, this is my fault. I had a Jack and soda earlier. I shouldn’t…”
    “Cut the shit, you know it’s not your fault,” Jace snapped. “She stole the liquor with the intent to drink it once we left. I can’t believe you would be so foolish. You are way too smart for this,” he directed towards me. I looked shamefully at the floor.
    “Why don’t you go take a walk and cool down? I’ll stay here. Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” Mark said, putting his hand on his best friends’ shoulder.
    Jace glared at me, grabbed his wallet and stormed out of the room, slamming the heavy door behind him. Mark came over to me with a fresh washcloth and glass of juice.
    “Drink this,” he ordered gently. “You know how Jace feels about the stuff. Why did you do it?”
    “It’s your fault,” I cried. Might as well play the card. “You two left me alone instead of taking me with you. This trip was about me spending time with you guys, not being locked away.”
    “No one under twenty-one is allowed in the studio, Hon. We explained that earlier.”
    “I could have stayed in the car or

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