Guardian Angel

Read Online Guardian Angel by Leanne Banks - Free Book Online

Book: Guardian Angel by Leanne Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leanne Banks
was drawn in deeper by his charm, enticed by his sexy rumpled look. And when, pray tell, had a man complimented her feet? Fighting a smile, she asked, “How many times have you tried that line before?”
    â€œJust once. It didn’t work then, either.”
    She laughed at his dejected expression. “Should I offer condolences?”
    â€œNo,” he said, suddenly serious. “I’m where I want to be.”

Chapter Four
    Talia couldn’t think of a response, so she took another gulp of wine.
    Trace hooked a bare foot across the opposite knee. The V of his jeans stretched to accommodate the movement, and she’d have to be a saint or sightless to miss the impressive masculine swell. She was neither. She should have stayed at the window, she thought.
    â€œI’m glad you came tonight,” he said.
    â€œDid I have a choice?”
    â€œYou always have a choice.”
    She shook her head. “Responsibilities can limit our options.”
    He brushed her hair behind her shoulder. “I understand responsibilities.”
    She didn’t move away. His touch felt oddly comforting.
    Stroking her hair, he spoke in a low, mesmerizing voice. “I wonder about you, Talia.” His thumb grazed the three dainty earrings she wore.
    It was an idle movement of his thumb against her ear, she told herself. It shouldn’t affect her so. Still, she found it difficult to breathe.
    He continued caressing her ear. His breath fanned against her cheek. “I wonder if Talia took care of her mother when she was sick.”
    Growing warm, she swallowed. “Yes.” A fist of wanting tightened in her belly.
    Stroking his hand down her cheek to the little mole above her mouth, he stared at the mark as if fascinated. “I wonder if Talia took care of Kevin.”
    Her skin prickled pleasurably. She should get up, but his gaze held her, as if she were a deer stunned by headlights. Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded.
    His finger traced the bow of her upper lip. “I know Talia takes care of her deli and LAM. But you know what I really wonder?”
    Her mind was so clouded, he could have been speaking Chinese. His face was only inches from hers, and her heart pounded in a runaway rhythm. “What?” she whispered.
    After placing her wineglass on the table, he leaned closer and their breaths mingled. “I wonder who takes care of Talia.”
    Automatically, she said, “I don’t need—”
    His lips landed gently on her open mouth.
    It was like an extended, leisurely “Hello.” Though her mind felt separated from her body, she remembered he’d once said something about not rushing. His firm mouth molded hers. He learned her pleasure by rubbing his lips against hers, tugging on her full lower lip, then sucking gently, tempting her to respond.
    There was a second when she could have pulled away, but then he deepened the kiss. His tongue drew a circle of desire around her lips. He led her in a sensual duel, teasing her with light thrusts and parries of his tongue.
    She forgot he was a Barringer. In the past few weeks, she’d fought fantasy after fantasy about him. The reality, she found, left those fantasies in the dust.
    She gasped when he flicked his tongue over the mole he was so entranced with. He murmured his pleasure, and the sound of his deep voice rippled all the way down to her toes.
    She’d never been lured with such care before. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she joined in the seductive dance, opening her mouth to stroke his tongue with hers.
    He groaned at the gliding motion, thrusting more deeply. He pushed her down on the sofa and followed her, drawing a breath of air. “Your perfume’s enough to drive me crazy. What is it?”
    Turning her head, she gulped. “It’s French,” she said. “I can’t pronounce it.”
    He turned his mouth onto her neck, spreading hot kisses up to her ear.

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