Guardian Angel

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Book: Guardian Angel by Abbie Zanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbie Zanders
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There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her.  And to be truthful, they do kind of grow on you after a while.  Not to mention they’re definitely good men to have on your side.  You already know Michael from the shelter.”
    “Yes.  I’ve met a few of the others, too.  Sean, Kieran, and Kane.” 
    Aidan looked up in wary surprise.  “You’ve met Kane?  Actually spoken to him?”
    “Yes.  On several occasions, actually.  You seemed surprised.  Why?”
    Aidan hesitated.  “Kane isn’t really all that social.  Even as much as I’ve been around the family I’m not sure I’ve ever heard him speak, just growl occasionally.  When he is around – and that’s not all that often – he just tends to stand back in the shadows glowering at everyone.”
    Rebecca had no trouble imagining the eldest Callaghan doing just that – standing back against the wall, watching and being acutely aware of everything around him, with that sexy hard-assed look about him and those penetrating eyes that made her insides go all soft when they locked on her.  The thought made her smile slightly. 
    “He’s been very nice to me.” 
    “Well, then you’re the first as far as I know.  The others – they all seem to lead fairly regular lives, but him?  Not so much.”
    “Tell me.”  Rebecca tucked her legs up beneath her and sipped from the cup of hot tea.  Hearing about the Callaghans was preferable to talking about their own dysfunctional family dynamics.
    “Well, you already know Michael, the doctor.  He’s probably the nicest among them.  He’s married to Maggie.  They have a cute little guy named Ryan and live out on Maggie’s family farm.  She provides all the organics for the Goddess, by the way, and makes the best damn cookies you’ve ever had.”
    Rebecca nodded.  She liked Michael very much.  In addition to being highly skilled, he had a very soothing way with his patients, and an excellent bedside manner.  Yet there was nothing stuffy or arrogant in his manner.  And his wife, Maggie, had been very friendly and welcoming.
    “Then there’s Jake.  He’s probably the second scariest next to Kane.  He runs the family Pub with Ian.  He’s married to Taryn, and they’ve got a little girl named Riley.”
    She remembered meeting him once or twice.  He seemed remarkably like Kane, in fact.  He was on the quiet side, and reminded her of an advancing storm when he moved.  She’d spent a good deal more time with his wife, Taryn, at the shelter.  She’d been a little shocked by Taryn at first – the woman could hold her own with any of the Callaghans – but she had grown quite fond of her contagious smile and irreverent attitude. But what Rebecca liked most about Taryn was her passionate soul and kick-ass attitude.  Rebecca wished she had the fortitude to tell people what was on her mind once in a while.
    “Sean runs the garage in town – honestly there’s not an engine that guy can’t fix.  He’s married to Nicki, who now runs the Teen Reach program for Taughannock County.  You met her down at the shelter too, I believe.”
    It was hard not to remember Nicki – jet black hair, amazing super-light crystal eyes.  She and her twin brother, Nick, had been instrumental in assembling the teens and keeping them busy with helpful tasks.  Nicki was another one she had become quite fond of.  Though she looked like something straight out of a heavy metal video with her jet black hair, piercing light silver eyes and a penchant for leather, she was the perfect match for her equally bad-ass husband, and she really cared for the kids.
    “His twin, Shane, is a lawyer and lives above the Pub.  He was a Godsend in getting us everything we needed to get the Goddess up and running.  He’s relatively soft-spoken, smart as hell, and he’s still single.  Stay away from him,” he warned, making Rebecca chuckle.
    “And Kieran, the youngest.  He runs BodyWorks, the fitness place in town.  He’s

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