
Read Online Grizzly by Bonnie Bliss - Free Book Online

Book: Grizzly by Bonnie Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bliss
with Doctor Who and Sherlock, and I thought for so long that William—I mean Tethur—was just acting hard out of respect for my parents. I mean, the guy watched Sherlock with me, every episode. Then before I had a chance to turn towards him and fangirl, he would get up and just leave.” She paused and shook her head. “He was so cold, so, well, he was mean.” Her voice got small and she felt Cassandra’s small hand rest on her bare shoulder. It was icy, but the cold seemed to melt into her and spread warmth. A rumble shook the castle. It was slight but scared Sorscha.
    “You need to calm down. That’s you.”
    Sorscha turned towards Cassandra with wide eyes. She wiped away the tear that had slipped through her defenses.
    “What do you mean, that was me?”
    “You’re an Earth elemental. Your emotions, while untrained, will cause natural disasters.”
    Sorscha groaned and collapsed on the bed. She let her face fall against her palms.
    “What else could possibly be fucked up?” she mumbled.
    “Well, I don’t want to be the one to bear you bad news. I tend to be the one that cleans up the fallout and is the fun one. But you wouldn’t be here if the baddies weren’t looking for you. From what I overhear the hot brothers talking about, there is a dark Queen and a witch. Think Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and then multiply it.”
    “Fuck,” Sorscha whispered.
    She felt Cassandra’s cold hands make comforting circles.
    “Well, look on the bright side. You get to seduce a super-hot, huge grizzly. I mean, Sorscha, did you see his cock? Damn, girl. Do you know how to use that?”
    Sorscha laughed through the tears and looked up. She tidied her face before standing up.
    “I’ve never had sex—well—I’ve done touching, guys have gone down on me, and done the whole finger thing, but never sex. I’m sort of an amateur,” she confessed.
    “Oh, honey, I have so much to teach you then.” Cassandra slipped her arm through Sorscha’s. “First, we need to get you fed. I’m sure the boys are already eating. We have these great fruits and drinks that will perk you right up. They might make you horny, too. Fae food tends to do that to the best of us.” She giggled and guided Sorscha out the doors.
    They chatted about the elves, and how Sorscha would kill for an espresso right about now, before coming into a great hall. The walls were all crystal clear and they overlooked a huge frozen lake. Images of ice skating and laughing filled her mind.
    “Am I ever not going to be struck dumb by this place?” Sorscha asked.
    “Not likely. Even I get dumbstruck over things. The dragon sort of still makes me a bit crazy. Haven’t seen him in a while, though.” Cassandra guided her to a huge table with crazy colored fruits, steaming meats and huge pitchers of a liquid that smelled like the sweetest juice.
    Cassandra handed her a plate, and she filled up on anything she could fit, mostly the fruits. They looked like plump jewels decorating her plate. One was purple and oval with tiny spikes that poked out of it. Another looked almost like a strawberry—only it was blue. Not quite a blueberry, but the seeds decorating the outside of the berry were bright red. They looked like tiny rubies set in sapphires. The beef looked and smelled delectable. Turning to head over to find a seat at the very long crystal table, she nearly slammed into a golden chest.
    Sorscha tried to swallow, but the tiny pulse between her legs halted her movements. These guys were dangerous. They were like porn poison all wrapped up in this lean glittery package that promised nights of raw passion.
    “Um, excuse me, please,” she stammered.
    The man smirked down at her. He brought up a mug to his lips and took a long drink. She gulped with him as she watched his throat work the liquid down. His Adam’s apple bobbed.
    Sweet fuck, that was hot .
    Shaking her head, she struggled to get her mind straight.
    Where’s William?
    Before she could move around

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