Greyson - Part 4: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)

Read Online Greyson - Part 4: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) by Cali MacKay - Free Book Online

Book: Greyson - Part 4: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) by Cali MacKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cali MacKay
    He tilted his head toward the tree line. “She headed out the back door of the cabin and straight for the woods.”
    Greyson jogged in that direction, scanning the area—and then he spotted her coming down the hillside. “Juno!”
    He ran to her, scooping her into his arms as she collapsed against him, her face and her body covered in blood. She was barely conscious as he carried her back to his SUV, but he spotted Sawyer heading into the woods where Juno had come through the tree line, and knew he was going after Flint. “We need to get you seen to, love. Where are you injured?”
    “ Flint… make sure he’s dead. And Cullen…he’s hurt.” She barely got the words out, drifting in and out of consciousness.
    “Cullen’s being seen to, and Sawyer’s tracking down Flint. We’ll make sure he’s dead. But right now, I want to make sure you’re okay.” Ryder was at his side, helping to get her into his SUV, though he wasn’t sure where to take her. His cabin was gone…still engulfed in flames as his pack fought to put out the fire. Yet none of it mattered now that he had Juno back. He just needed the nearest and safest place so she could be seen to.
    Ryder put a hand on a shoulder, instinctively knowing what he needed. “My place. She’ll be safe there, and we can have her looked at.”
    Thayer stopped him before he could leave. “I’ll stay here and make sure Flint’s dead…help get things sorted. Just let me know how she’s doing, okay? And if you need anything, just call.”
    Greyson nodded, and climbed into the backseat, pulling Juno into his arms as Ryder drove them to his place. Luckily, it didn’t take more than ten minutes to get there, and just moments later, Greyson was laying Juno down in the guest room, trying to figure out her injuries, so they could tackle the worst of them and stave off any bleeding. Yet as he peeled the bloody clothing from her body, he was relieved to see that most of the blood wasn’t hers, even if she was still injured.
    Ryder stood at the doorway, his phone still in his hand. “Aster is on her way.”
    “Good.” Aster was one of the other doctors in their pack. Greyson turned his attention back to Juno, who had several deep gashes over her body. “You’re going to need stitches. Some of these cuts are pretty deep.”
    “I’ll heal, but… the baby …”

Chapter Thirteen
    Juno couldn’t keep her tears from streaming down her cheeks, worried not only about their baby, but Cullen. Cullen had always been kind to her, supportive and protective. And now…he’d put his life on the line to protect her.
    “The doctor’s on her way, and she’ll check to make sure the baby’s okay.” Greyson wet the rag in the bowl of warm water Ryder brought them, and started to gingerly wipe the dried blood from her face.
    Her wounds throbbed with pain, though it was her heart that was in tatters. She’d finally wrapped her head around them having a baby and now…the thought of losing their child—all because of Flint—was doing her head in. She wanted this baby…wanted a family with Greyson…and Flint may have just taken that away from her—as if he hadn’t already fucked with her life enough. And there was more…Cullen…Greyson’s home… “What about your dad? Please tell me he’s okay, Greyson. It’s my fault he’s been hurt…”
    “It’s not your fault, love— it’s Flint’s . And those fucking bears.” Greyson brushed the tears from her cheeks, his touch so incredibly gentle, her heart ached with the love she had for him. “Sawyer, though…he said he helped you?”
    “He did. I was too scared to leave the house, worried Flint was waiting for me, but the fire…it was everywhere. Sawyer pulled me out of there, and then went after Flint and tried to help your dad. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for Sawyer, I don’t think I’d have survived this—and I don’t think Cullen would have either, given how outnumbered he was.” The last

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