Gregory, Lisa

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Book: Gregory, Lisa by Bonds of Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonds of Love
Tags: Historical Romance, civil war, nineteenth century
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I can't breathe."
buried his face in her hair, his lips against her ear. "That's the idea,
my dear," he said huskily, and his breath on her ear sent the most
startling shivers through her abdomen. "Then we take off your stays so you
can breathe."
dare you—" she gasped, and he chuckled.
proper to the end, aren't you, Miss Devereaux?" He nuzzled her neck.
"I can feel the fire inside you. Someone should have taken you long ago,
ridden you good and hard and with a firm hand, like a temperamental mare.
Softened you, made you burn with passion, and you'd have turned into a fiery,
loving creature. Instead of the cold bitch you are today!"
you—" she fumed, unable to think of anything horrible enough to call him.
hands slid down her arms and they fell numbly to her sides. Then boldly he
moved his hands down her, his face staring mockingly down at hers. Roughly he
touched her breasts, slid his hands along her stomach and abdomen, then back
up. Suddenly he groaned and pulled her to him, encircling her with his chained
arms, and again he kissed her roughly. He crushed her against him; she could
feel the violent pounding of his heart against her chest, feel the hard
masculine strength of his body pressed against her. Abruptly he stopped and she
sagged against him, feeling dizzy, weak.
could take you right now. Do you realize that?"
nodded weakly.
don't intend to—at least at the present." He lifted his arms from around
her, but grasped her by the shoulders, his fingers digging in painfully.
"I only want you to know that I can defeat you. Even though I am in
chains, I am a man; I can conquer you. You may be able to have my back lashed,
to have me thrown into a dark hole for two weeks on a diet of moldy bread and
eyes widened and she started to speak, but he dug his fingers into her more
harshly and said, "Shut up; just listen. You may be able to have me
punished for 'insulting' your ladylike ears. But I can still possess you, bend
you, force you to submit. Your wealth, your position, your frozen attitude
can't protect you from me." His words came out in short hard bursts; he
was panting as if he had been running. "Remember that. If I decide I want
you. you're mine."
released her and turned, strode across the room, unlocked the door, and left.
She sagged to the floor; her knees had turned to water. "My God," she
said, pressing her hands to her face. "Oh, my God."
ran into the other room, threw on her cloak and bonnet, and flew from the

Chapter 4
Kate? Are you all right? Miss Kate?" Pegeen called through the bedroom
had entered the house and rushed upstairs to her room as if pursued by all the
demons of hell. Once inside the safety of her room, with the door securely
locked, she had collapsed into her rocker. Alarmed, Pegeen had come to see
about her, only to find the door locked. Katherine sat numbly in the chair, not
even noticing that she hadn't removed her cloak and hat
Pegeen," she roused herself to answer. "Please—just leave me alone.
I'll be all right."
back, Katherine slowly began to rock. Her mind was a jumble of discordant,
disconnected thoughts. His breath against her ear. The clean male scent of him.
The slightly salty taste of his lips. She clapped her hand to her mouth. Did
men really kiss women that way? Would a gentleman kiss a lady that way?
No, surely not. It was awful, degrading. No doubt that was why a Southerner was
considered not to be trusted around a woman. They grabbed you and pawed you and
kissed you and—and what? Then they raped you. It was what Boston matrons
whispered about when they thought you couldn't hear them. But they wouldn't
tell you because you were an unmarried girl. It was what he had
threatened. But she didn't really know quite what it was.
must involve kisses like that, consuming, devouring kisses—and it must involve
that hot, peculiar feeling in her stomach. Rape was

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