Greek for Beginners

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Book: Greek for Beginners by Jackie Braun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Braun
attention to the least erotic thing he could think of. “Tell me about your family. Do they also live in Buffalo?”
    â€œFor the most part. I have three sisters. Two older, one younger, all of them married. They’re scattered in the suburbs with their husbands and kids, driving minivans and carpooling to soccer games and gymnastic classes.”
    â€œBut not you.”
    â€œTo my mother’s everlasting regret.”
    â€œAnd your father? What does he think of your situation?”
    â€œHe tells me there’s plenty of time to get married, have kids and buy a minivan.” She frowned then. “But...”
    â€œHe thinks I’m wasting my talent at my current job,” she admitted quietly.
    â€œAre you?”
    Darcie made a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a sigh. “That’s the subject for a very long conversation. Right now, I think we should stick to the basics.”
    She was right, of course, but Nick was too curious about her to let the matter drop. “What talent is it that your father feels you are wasting?”
    â€œI have a degree in journalism from Buffalo State University. I enjoyed feature writing. Some of my professors told me I had a flair for it. My plan was to work at a newspaper and once I had enough decent clips — ”
    â€œCopies of articles I’d written. Once I had enough of those, I was going to apply for a job at one of the large women’s magazines headquartered in New York.”
    â€œSo, you wanted to come to the big city?”
    â€œI did,” she admitted on a shy smile. “Once upon a time I thought I could make a name for myself in publishing.”
    The smile vanished. Darcie shrugged. “Something came up and then the fact-checking job at Automobile Enthusiasts Monthly came along.”
    â€œDo you ever do any writing for that magazine? You certainly know enough about cars to do a credible job of it.”
    â€œThe editor has let me do a couple of blurbs about upcoming car cruises, but nothing meaty or in-depth. He either tackles those himself—it’s a small publication—or he farms them out to a freelancer. It doesn’t hurt that the freelancer is a poker buddy.” She sighed. “So, I check facts.”
    The more she said, the more questions Nick had. He contented himself by asking the one that cut straight to the heart of the matter.
    â€œDo you enjoy your work, Darcie?”
    â€œI suppose.” She shrugged. “It pays the bills.”
    A tepid and telling answer, in Nick’s opinion.
    â€œYou should do something you feel passionately about. Otherwise, what is the point?”
    â€œI guess you would know, since you’re obviously passionate about your work.”
    He glanced over and waited until he was sure he had her full attention. “I am passionate about much more than my work.”
    * * *
    Nick’s frank reply and the accompanying intimate smile sent a spurt of pure lust coursing through Darcie’s veins. The excitement churning away inside frightened her a little. It was so foreign. It seemed forbidden. But it wasn’t, she reminded herself. She was a single woman, a consenting adult. Heck, if she were being truthful, she was a parched patch of desert desperate for a good dousing of rain. Bring on the storm.
    â€œIf you continue to look at me like that, I will be tempted to forego dinner and return to your hotel instead,” Nick told her. Once again, his words were blunt. His smile bordered on sinful.
    She called herself a chicken, but decided to play it safe.
    â€œSorry, I was just thinking about...all of the changes that have occurred in my life recently. Maybe more are in order.” Warming to the notion, she added, “God knows, the timing couldn’t be better. I need to find a new place to live. Why not a new job, too?”
    It wasn’t as if anything tied her to

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