Gray Vengeance
he promised to push harder with the locals and left it at that.
    Thompson turned to Hamad Farsi. ‘What have you got for me?’
    ‘We have word that Takasa is due in Kano, despite rumours that he rarely ventures out of his hideaway in Chad. Apparently, DSA have something big lined up. They—’
    ‘DSA are a thing of the past,’ Thompson cut in. ‘I told you to forget about them and focus on finding James Farrar. Why are you still working it?’
    She turned to face Harvey, and the penny dropped. ‘Don’t tell me: you asked him to follow it up.’
    Hamad shook his head. ‘No, I heard it from the Africa desk and thought it might be useful.’
    ‘Well, I’m telling you it’s not. DSA are a motley collection of unconnected criminals using the name to lend credence to their actions. They’ve never ventured beyond northern Nigeria, and they never will. Their biggest claim to fame is torching a Catholic school, for God’s sake. For the last time, forget about them and focus on the main mission.’
    Farsi nodded, contrite.
    Thompson asked the two other operatives for progress reports, and while they too had nothing new to offer in Asia and the Middle East, Harvey thought she seemed to accept their answers with a lot more grace than when he’d come up empty.
    The meeting broke up, and Harvey followed Farsi back to t heir desks.
    ‘I think she’s got the hots for you,’ Farsi said.
    Harvey looked towards the meeting room, just in time to see Thompson leaving, her long, blonde hair swaying with every step. Despite the animosity between them, he couldn’t help but watch the way her hips moved as she strode to her office with her cell phone to her ear. He had to admit that there was something about her that intrigued him, even if it wasn’t her sparkling personality .
    ‘If she has, she’s got a funny way of showing it,’ he said.
    He unlocked his computer and began searching for holiday homes in Martinique, in the hope that someone matching Farrar’s description had rented one in the last year.
    It was a long shot, but it would keep Thompson happy for a few hours. He was looking at the second page of results when Sarah Thompson suddenly appeared next to him.
    ‘I’ve just spoken to the home secretary. You can have two people for Martinique, but only for a week. If they find nothing, we pull them back.’
    She walked away before Harvey could even register surprise at her concession.
    ‘Told you,’ Farsi said with a smirk.

    Paul Roberts was cruising at sixty-five on the M25, heading west towards the junction with the M23 that led to Gatwick Airport. As he passed the turnoff, he hit the button on his trigger and let a three-second burst hit the traffic in the oncoming lanes. Almost immediately, the cars he’d hit ground to a halt as their electrics failed and engine-management software shut down. There was no warning for the cars behind, and they powered into the stationary vehicles at speeds in excess of seventy .
    As he released the button, he realised that his actions would leave many people dead. Children would go to bed without mothers or fathers, and parents would wait all evening for offspring who would never return home. A year ago, such thoughts might have consumed him, but all he felt was the heady thrill of wielding t he powe r of life and death.
    Roberts checked his wing mirror as the first explosion took place, followed by others as the concertina effect added more and more vehicles to the carnage. The flames were receding as he sped away from the scene, but his work wasn’t done.
    A mile up the road, he hit the trigger again, just as he saw two articulated lorries powering up the motorway. His burst stopped the vehicles in front of the trucks, and the juggernauts ploughed through the saloons and hatchbacks like they were made of paper. By the time they managed to pull to a stop, twenty vehicles were destroyed, and yet another fire had broken out.
    Roberts continued down the road, creating another

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