Grave Shadows

Read Online Grave Shadows by Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry - Free Book Online

Book: Grave Shadows by Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry
Tags: JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian
a lot better than mine. Why can’t you tell anybody?”
    “Long story,” I said. “It has something to do with Sam and what he used to do. I’d tell you more, but I promised I wouldn’t.”
    He yawned. “It’s okay.” He seemed weaker now and pale in the moonlight.
    We lay there, staring at the sky, for a long time.

Chapter 50

    I was almost asleep when the phone rang.
    “Sorry to call so late,” Taryn said. “You wanted to talk?”
    “Thanks,” I said. “I’m wondering if Gunnar ever mentioned money problems.”
    “All the time. That was one of the things we fought about.”
    “Maybe he made some big purchase. Like an engagement ring.”
    “If he bought a ring, it was a mystery to me.”
    “But wouldn’t that explain it? He wanted to marry you, and when you broke up with him, he couldn’t take it. He pushed his Jeep in the lake and . . .”
    “And what?” she said. “They haven’t found his body, have they?”
    “Then he pushed his Jeep in the lake and ran away? That makes no sense.” She paused. “Look, I don’t want to be mean, but I don’t want you to call here anymore. I know you’re trying to help, but I’d rather you leave me alone.”

Chapter 51

    I hit the Light button on my watch and saw it was 3 a.m. Only 10 minutes had gone by since I had checked. I knew I’d be worthless on the bike with no sleep. Jeff’s heavy breathing didn’t make it any easier.
    I wanted something to eat—maybe that would help—but the leader had made us put all our food in airtight bags and store them in the trunk of a car. I guess he was scared of bears.
    I looked through the opening in the tent, hoping to see a star streak across the sky. That happens all the time in the movies, and I hear it happens a lot in Colorado, but I’ve never seen one.
    I heard a car in the distance. Something rustled in the pine needles a few feet away. A twig snapped. Maybe big animals making small sounds.
    Who could have stolen Jeff’s stuff? I tried to bore myself to sleep by running through all the possibilities. Was it possible Gunnar’s disappearance and the missing items were linked? What were the odds?
    I had a lot more questions than answers, but I’ve found it’s best to just let your mind run. What if Gunnar’s mother was covering for him? What if the goons who showed up at her house bought sports items? Maybe Gunnar had sold them something fake.
    Something crackled outside the tent, and I looked at my watch. 3:10. I scooted down in my sleeping bag and imagined Pippin and Frodo were with me.
    Next thing I knew, Jeff was hovering over me with a big smile. “Time to wake up, bed head.”
    I could feel my hair sticking straight up, and I couldn’t wait to get my helmet on.
    By 8:00, we were on the road, pedaling away from Leadville. My legs and back were sore, but as soon as I got on the bike I found myself in rhythm with Jeff, who seemed stronger.

Chapter 52

    I awoke early and rode to Jeff’s house, eager to find out if I’d had the wrong room all along. I found both rooms with glass cases, and both were empty.
    I was about to get back on my ATV when a garage door opened across the street and a man wearing a suit and tie walked out to retrieve his Sunday paper.
    “Heard anything about the bike trip?” he said. He must have recognized me from the send-off.
    I told him what I knew. “Have you noticed anything funny at the house the past few days?”
    “I’ve been away, but you can talk with my wife.”
    He took me inside and introduced me to her. She was having coffee and grabbed the newspaper from him when he came inside. I thought the guy might be going to church, but he said he was off to work. When he left, she offered me breakfast.
    “Thanks, but I already ate. I don’t want to take much of your time. I was just wondering if you’d noticed anything at the Alexanders’ house.”
    She squinted. “As a matter of fact, there was a truck outside yesterday morning. Real early. A blue

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