Grasping For Freedom
he'd made sure she found pleasure last night before he did. He definitely wasn't an asshole. When he'd left, he could've kept walking, but he explained how he'd screwed up.
    She balled her hands and thumped the counter. She wasn't blameless like he claimed. Her goal here was to save her father, not screw a biker.
    She had no idea the bikers were held to the rule of not having sex with an employee of Bantorus. Protection was one thing, and she liked knowing she was safe, but she was an adult and could decide who and when to have sex on her own without anyone's permission. Rain telling her she was protected while she worked for him was quite different than telling her she was banned from sleeping with a MC member.
    Her heart raced, and she hurried back to the bedroom and grabbed the phone. She had to hurry.
    In twenty minutes, the Bantorus meeting would start. She grabbed a pair of jeans, a Tee, and a pair of socks. She skipped the panties and bra to save time.
    After she pulled on her boots, she swept her fingers through her hair, eliminating any tangles and leaving it wild. She swept mascara over her eyelashes, and called it good.
    Viewing herself in the compact mirror from her purse, she looked like she'd participated in an orgy. She shoved the makeup away. It was her day off. That's all she could do without being late for the meeting.
    She left the cabin and walked over to the bar, entering through the backdoor. Rain's door was open. She knocked on the wall before she peeked into view.
    Rain looked up from his desk, deadpanned her, and said, "Yeah?"
    Oh, shit. She stepped into the room. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
    He motioned her to sit down. She closed the door, and then took the chair in front of his desk. Sitting on the edge of the seat, she had no idea where to begin.
    "I think there's been a big misunderstanding." She nodded, gaining confidence. "You had told me I was protected after you hired me, and I'd assumed that meant nothing would happen to me while I was in the bar and living in the cabin behind Cactus Cove...from bar fights, robberies, and the occasional drunk who had wandering hands. Of course, I've never been around a motorcycle club and my only association with bikers was serving them drinks at my previous jobs in small groups...and in So Cal, where I worked, it wasn't a biker haven, so the ones who came in were different, not the kind of bikers you have here. I mean, they rode bikes like you guys, but they weren't—" She pointed at Rain's tats, his vest, and his boots he'd planted on the top edge of his desk. "Like you or the other Bantorus members."
    God, she was rambling. She moistened her lips when Rain remained silent. "So, this protection thing...I didn't know it included making sure I never, uh, did anything with the guys. Not that I have any plans to jump in with the kind of women in the other cabin out back. I wouldn't do that, at all. Not that I think there's anything wrong with them or what they do or, um, don't do. I'm sure they're very nice and good at their job of being with the men. I'm not judging anyone or the men—"
    "Brandy," Rain said, raising his hand.
    She sat straighter. "Yes?"
    "Can we get to the point?" he asked.
    "I had sex with Torque. It's all my fault. I didn't understand I broke a rule or he wasn't supposed do that with me. It was consensual. Really consensual." She clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking. "I don't think he should be punished for something that happened between two adults. I don't know how this works, but if it helps, I'll work overtime or on my day off today to pay his fine, or whatever his punishment will be. I also promise it'll never happen again. Swear on it. Not happening. Ever..."
    Rain continued gazing at her, no hint of his thoughts showing in his eyes, though his mouth twitched, which seemed to be a reoccurring habit with him when they talked. Finally, he plunked his boots off the top of the desk and leaned his elbows on

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