Grasping For Freedom
Bantorus members hadn't chosen a team of riders for the job.
    "What else?" Radiant said. "Think hard, baby. Use that pretty head of yours for something. We need more."
    She closed her eyes and swallowed. God, she couldn't fail.
    "I don't know anything else. I'm learning more of their names though. There's a big guy...Orca, but I don't know what he does for the club. Um, Pete, he's older and runs a garage here in Pitnam. Sh-Shift's Garage is the name. I tried to come up with an excuse to get the car you gave me into the garage to find out which Bantorus members worked there, but one of the members looked at the Cadillac in the parking lot instead. H-he questioned me about the car being owned by Los Li."
    "What was his name?"
    She clenched her teeth together, realizing her mistake. "It's...his name is Torque."
    "All right, baby. Now we're getting somewhere." Radiant's voice lowered. "Tell me about Torque, and I'll see about you having a conversation with your daddy in the future."
    "There's not much to say. He looked at the car, fixed some part—even though I didn't know anything was wrong with it. Then he gave me back my keys," she said, hoping that would be enough, and Radiant would understand that she didn't appreciate knowing she drove a car he'd used for Los Li business.
    "So Torque's able to work now..."
    She sucked in a breath, hoping Torque wasn't Radiant's target. "What do you mean?"
    "Where's Torque during the day normally?"
    "I-I don't know that." Her breath whooshed out and she hurried to continue. "They have a meeting today at three o'clock. I'm going to hang around inside the bar, even though it's my day off. I think all the members of Bantorus will be there."
    "Good, baby." He paused. "It's almost time for that meeting, don't be late. You'll receive another call tonight. Make sure you answer, and I'll make sure your dad's near. If I approve of the information you bring me, you'll get to hear the old man's voice."
    She threw off the blanket, afraid he'd hang up. "Please, can you—"
    A click ended their conversation. She squeezed the cell in her hand, raised her arm—wanting to throw the stupid phone and yet knowing it was her lifeline to keeping her father alive, and muffled her scream of frustration. What did Radiant want from her?
    She left the bed and paced the room. Nauseous and lightheaded, she walked out of the bedroom into the living area of the cabin and got a drink of water. After she'd soothed the burning pit in her stomach, she stared down into the sink.
    Rain was the president. Slade was the VP. Torque, Remmy, Jedman, and Bruce seemed like they were in some kind of leadership role on equal footing with Slade and only listened to Rain. She'd met the prospects and other members like Orca, Pete, and Jimmy, who seemed to go to Torque and even Bruce for information as if they were lower in status within the club. She set her glass in the sink. That meant she had six bikers who would have information that Radiant wanted. But which biker was he interested in?
    Torque's name had brought more excitement from Radiant on the phone. She braced her hands on the counter and let her chin fall to her chest. Even though she'd had sex with Torque, she knew absolutely nothing solid about him.
    She assumed he worked at the garage too, since he fixed her car. He came in often during the day and night, only to disappear into Rain's office or talk to the other bikers. As of yet, she hadn't seen him visit the bitches cabin. The fingers on his left hand were bare, she'd doubled and tripled checked to make sure he wasn't married—although, Rain didn't wear a ring and he was very, very married.
    She stomped her foot, frustrated with her lack of knowledge. Think, think, think.
    Torque dominated conversations, had little use for chitchat, and couldn't give a care what other people thought of him, including her. He'd warned her off as if he had a motive to be a loner.
    He wasn't all bad. She bit down on her lip, remembering how

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