
Read Online GoldLust by Sky Robinson - Free Book Online

Book: GoldLust by Sky Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Robinson
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    “Don’t try to hide from me again. You want me just as much as
I want you.” James growled the words and pulled her tighter against him. His
warmth infiltrated her space in a delicious way.
    Emma didn’t respond, not with words anyway. She couldn’t
stop the feelings that she should be denying him, denying herself. They felt
too good to even consider stopping.
    James kissed her again, this time hard, full of passion, his
tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. Emma’s body hummed. She did want
this, but it wasn’t right. She couldn’t commit to being in a relationship with
    She pulled away from him, hating every second of it, but she
couldn’t lead James on. “I don’t want anything more than friendship. I don’t
want to get married, or do your laundry or sewing.” Her words were breathy, her
body so damn affected by him already.
    “Marriage or laundry or sewing is not what I’m asking from
you. I want your body. Plain and simple.” His words were a growl that sent a
shiver of lust straight to her core, made Emma forget any of the other protests
she had created in her mind. Left her breathless, speechless.
    James moved his hand to her inner thigh and rubbed up it,
stopping just before touching her center. She hated that he stopped. Emma
burned so damn hot for him, needed him to touch the depths of her, to put out
the flames.
    “Don’t tell me you don’t want the same. It’s just you and me
out here. You don’t have to prove anything to anybody.” He stared at her, his
dark eyes reading her every thought. “Who do you think you’re going to fool? We
both know it’s what you want. Why can’t you admit it?”
    She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. He was right. She
wanted him more than she had ever wanted a man. He was offering her just what
she needed, sex without commitment. How could Emma say no?
    James kissed her again, demanding. His tongue invaded her
mouth, tasting, teasing, possessing her.
    She couldn’t say no, didn’t want to.
    “Yes.” Emma said the word simply, letting go of all the
    Having James was what she really wanted, what she needed
right now.
    He tugged on her shirt, pulling it up and over her head, and
her fingers worked to unfasten his pants.
    James left hot kisses on Emma’s neck, down her shoulder and
then on her breasts. A jolt of pleasure shot through her. She did need his cock
to quench the fire that burned between her legs, the fire that had been burning
since the first time he had touched her. She hadn’t planned any of this, but he
was definitely what she needed.
    Emma stripped out of the rest of her clothes and James
quickly did the same. In a matter of minutes, they were both naked together
again. But this time it was going to end with very different results than the
last time they were naked together. She wouldn’t say no, wouldn’t let her
sensibilities override her needs this time.
    James took Emma’s hand and led her toward a blanket. It was
the same blanket they’d lay on when she saved him from the creek.
    “I’ve wanted you for so long.” James’ words were hot against
her earlobe, his cock was hard against her belly.
    “Mmmhmm,” was the only thing Emma could come up with to express
the way she was feeling. There were no words, no real way to explain how James’
touch made her feel.
    James pulled Emma down onto the blanket and then straddled
her. His body covered her with warmth and strength. Her heart pounded and
wetness surged to her opening.
    Emma was really going to do this. She was going to let James
touch her in the ways only a man could. It was the perfect compromise. She had
lived too long, seen death too closely to worry about the unimportant things in
life. It was way too late to save her virginity for marriage. She wasn’t
looking for marriage anyway. What she needed was simple, James’ thick cock
between her legs putting out the fire that threatened to eat her alive if she
didn’t do something about

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