Golden Torc - 2
great cup again and again and tried to blot from his mind the realization of how it must be now with Mercy.
    When he finally thought to examine the cup closely and discovered what the gold and jewels ensheathed, he was too drunk to care.
    Allright allright littleone calm keep on hiding the two of us don't give way don't fear.
    They are stronger especially this DionketLordHealer I could never keep him out of us without Elizabethhelp. They don't like that friendshipwall but afraid offend her too early. O Jesus. That beautybitchslut Anear taking Raimo right there middlemob shame disgust fury hate... Steinie!
    Calm calm shelterlove armsword bless Elizabeth. Atleast they no make Aiken dance their tune vice versa if anything. Not toy like Raimobooby.
    Nor I Sukeylove if you help.
    "Are you sure you won't take a turn with the dancers?" The Lady Riganone smiled at Stein and Sukey. The magpies were back importuning them. "Your two friends are having a marvelous time."
    "No thank you, Lady," Stein said. The magpies minced away with reluctance.
    Sukey helped herself to another of the spiced tournedos. "These are delicious, Lord Dionket." She spoke shyly to the deep-eyed Chief Healer, who sat opposite her. "Are they made from venison?"
    "Why, no, Little Sister. Hipparion."
    "Those adorable little horses?" Sukey cried in dismay. Lady Riganone tossed her head and laughed merrily. The pendants dangling from wires on her lavender and gold headdress clashed and pealed. "What else would we do with them? They're the most abundant meat source that we have, and the Goddess be thanked they're so delicious. Why, do you realize that those poor people up in the Hercynian Forest, in Finiah and those other places at the end of the world, must make do with pigs and tough old stags and even mastodons? We southerners are so lucky. There's really nothing to compare with a roast loin of hipparion, seasoned with garlic and a hint of thyme and perhaps a little of that new pepper, all brown and crackling on the outside and oozing blood within."
    "Don't be squeamish, Sukey," Stein told her, dipping out another helping from a bowl of rich stew. "When in Rome, you know! I don't know what this is, but it's sure got flavor." Dionket poked a bony finger into the deep silver dish, then sucked meditatively. "Mmm... a promephitis ragout, dear warrior. I believe the Elder Earth equivalent for the little creature would be-" The mental picture flashed before Stein and Sukey.
    "Skunk!" The Viking choked.
    "Oh, there, there, Steinie," Lady Riganone exclaimed, radiating solicitude. "Did something go down the wrong pipe? Do take some wine for that coughing."
    The Personage seated next to Dionket, a burly giant in a
    short jerkin of blue and gold, said, "Try some of these hedgehogs
    in burgundy to settle your tripes, Stein. Now there's a
    dish to make your belly take notice! And you know what they
    say about hedgehog." He leered and the mental image of the prickly pun was distressingly overstated.
    Coolly, Sukey shoved the platter of odd little dainties far out of Stein's reach. "The warrior is recovering from an injury, Lord Imidol. He mustn't overindulge. In anything." Lady Riganone's fluting chuckles and her chapeau tinkled together. "Isn't she marvelous, Dionket? She'll be such an asset to your Guild of Redactors. But it was really very naughty of you to have reserved her from the bidding."
    "What do you mean, Lady?" Stein asked.
    "Have some more cherry brandy," the President of the Redactors urged. "Or would you prefer plum or raspberry?" He fingered his torc. Both Stein and Sukey were compelled to relax.
    I couldn't help it Steinie he slipped through. O Elizabeth come back from there and help us before Stein finds out I won't be able to hold him!
    Sukeywoman whatwhatWHAT dammit?
    Steinie stop I can barely cover you if they perceive allthat inside they'll hurt you love O please

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