Going Down

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Book: Going Down by Vonna Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vonna Harper
was to see and experience.
    â€œMost times,” she answered. “I always know in a broad way what the rigger intends to accomplish. But the steps aren’t choreographed if that’s what you’re asking. If they were, I’d be acting from start to finish.”
    â€œAnd it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.”
    â€œRight on. Reeve?” She took a moment to breathe in the sea air. “I meant it. The last thing I want to spend the evening doing is going over the details of my job. Surely you understand; you can’t always want to talk shop.”
    â€œYou’re right. I have no interest in talking about what I do for a living.”
    Didn’t you say you’re retired? “There’s more to me than being a porn star.” Hadn’t she said something like this before? “It isn’t as if it’s a career I can stay in until I’m ready for social security.”
    â€œA young person’s industry.”
    â€œEspecially for women,” she allowed. “The moment I start sagging, I’ll be replaced.”
    â€œWhat about plastic surgery?”
    Because she saw her breasts as tools of the trade, she didn’t hesitate to cup and lift them. “This was the one and only time I went under the knife. From now on, nature can have her way with me.”
    He cocked his head. “Why? A lot of women don’t think twice about regularly going under the knife.”
    The wise reaction would be to change the subject, but she didn’t want the conversation to stay on the surface. For reasons she didn’t understand, she wanted to get closer to him, to give him pieces of herself and hopefully get the same in return. “My parents both had multiple surgeries.” She didn’t bother trying to get above a whisper. “I was there for all of them, the time in recovery, the successes and failures, the hope and pain. I had my boobs done shortly after Mom died. At the time of my surgery, I was grieving, not thinking clearly. Being cut brought back everything my folks had endured.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose.
    â€œI’m sorry.” Then, as she looked at what she could see of him from between her fingers, he reached out and gripped her wrist. Now that he was holding her, she had the feeling he didn’t know what to do with her hand, or even how it had gotten into his possession. Accustomed as she was to having men’s paws on her, she wasn’t prepared for her reaction. Granted, she’d dumped on him when she’d told him about her parents and that had left her feeling vulnerable. Granted, she’d been turned on since she’d first spotted him tonight, but this wasn’t just about itches needing to be scratched. Then what was it?
    â€œSo—” He drew out the word. “What are you going to do when the camera catches you sagging?”
    That wasn’t what he really wanted to say; she was willing to bet on it. Then why had he? “I don’t know. That’s the hell of it, I don’t know.”
    â€œMaybe you’ll have made enough that you won’t need to work.”
    Like you? The thought of all those purposeless years stretching out in front of her made her shudder. Needing to distance herself from the image of her sleeping away her life, she pulled free. “Porn doesn’t pay that well, at least not my particular niche of the industry.”
    â€œSo start your own site. Do porn stars have agents? Maybe that’s what you’d like to get into, handling your replacements.”
    â€œI’ve thought about those possibilities, but I really think the time’s going to come when I want to get out of the industry. Try something completely different.”
    â€œYou can turn your back on the sex?”
    Yet another of those too-familiar alarms sounded inside her. “On that kind of sex, I know I can. There’s more to life than a climax.”
    â€œBut do

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