Goddess of Light

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Book: Goddess of Light by P. C. Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. C. Cast
to the invisible insurgence of power that poured into the air around them.
    â€œSeekers of the ancient ways, think upon
the coming again of the immortals
and of your distant ancestors
who once honored the old gods
and gave blessing to field and forest, wind and
water, earth and air.
This night we invoke past times—past days.”
    The nymphs’ voices were so beautiful that the listening mortals hardly breathed.
    â€œWhat are they doing?” Apollo said, feeling a sudden tightening low in his throat. “This is a true invocation ritual. I can feel the power—by Zeus’ beard, it is almost visible!”
    Helplessly, the two immortals watched as the nymphs continued to spin their magic web.
    â€œCelebrate the reawakening of the Olympians
and the return of the ancient mysteries,
the quickening of beauty and of fruitfulness.
We proclaim the return of the gods
with spell and chant and song.
Let the aid of the ancients be invoked!”
    â€œWe must stop them!” Apollo began to move forward, but once again his sister’s firm grip stayed him.
    â€œHow?” she whispered. “How do we do that without causing a horrendous scene?”
    Apollo’s jaw tightened. “But we cannot allow them to complete the invocation. Think of the consequences of a modern moral binding the aid of a god!”
    â€œYou are the one who should think, Brother. The invocation is harmless.”
    â€œHow can you say that? The power feels magnified tenfold! The long absence of magic in this world must be acting to intensify the ritual. This binding will be unbreakable,” he said through clenched teeth.
    â€œThis binding will never happen,” Artemis insisted. “Who here knows how to complete the ritual?”
    The sensuous song of the nymphs continued to fill the air.
    â€œSoft and whispering winds from afar, greetings be unto thee . . .”
    â€œWine from the ancient land must be poured in libation,” Artemis reminded him. “Then blood must be mixed with the wine.” The goddess’s lips quirked smugly. “How many eons have passed since these mortals made blood sacrifice and libation? And that doesn’t even fully bind the ritual.”
    â€œIn the names of
Bacchus and
Apollo and
blow the power of the Gods clear and fresh and
free . . .”
    â€œA true desire of the heart must be spoken aloud as the invocation concludes,” he finished for her, and his shoulders began to relax. “You’re wiser than I, Sister. No modern mortal could possibly know how to complete the ritual.”
    Apollo smiled at Artemis and turned his attention back to the luscious nymphs. Now that his fears for the mortals surrounding them were alleviated, he allowed himself to enjoy the eternal grace of the ancient ritual. It was a rite so powerful that he could not remember the last time the nymphs had preformed it in the Old World. They possess such ethereal beauty, he thought as he allowed the spell to touch him and wrap around his spirit. Their invocation was pure and heartfelt. As usual, the nymphs desired only to please mankind, and Apollo felt the immortal essence within him respond to their plea. At that moment he wanted to stride amongst the dancing nymphs and allow the mortals a glimpse of his true power. He wanted to reveal to them the glory of a living, breathing god, and then grant those of them who were most deserving the desires of their hearts, even though he knew it was an impossible fantasy. Zeus had forbidden their meddling with humans, and he had to admit that for once he agreed with his father. Modern mortals were best off without the interference of ancient, forgotten gods. But as the nymphs’ ritual washed magically around him, the thought that these mortals no longer looked to Olympus made him strangely sad. Apollo felt flushed with equal parts of power and disappointment as the

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