God Against the Gods

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Book: God Against the Gods by Jonathan Kirsch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Kirsch
Tags: History
    syncretism of
    see also Greece, ancient; Rome, ancient
    Common Era (C.E.)
    Confessions, The (Augustine)
    Constantine’s Sword (Carroll)
    Constantine the Great
    aging of
    birth and upbringing of
    Christianity and
    Constantinople founded by
    and controversy over nature of Jesus
    and Council of Nicaea
    and Crispus
    death and burial of
    dream or vision of
    and Edict of Milan
    epigraph from Panegyric to
    Julian’s indictment of
    and Licinius
    magical beliefs of
    paganism and
    polytheism and
    reign of, after death
    statue of
    totalitarianism of
    tricennalia of
    will of
    Julian in
    Julian’s interment at
    death and deification of
    and Julian
    Constantius Chlorus (Constantius the Pale)
    Corinthians, First Epistle to the, epigraph from
    Council of Nicaea, see Nicaea, Council of
    Crocus, King
    Cumont, Franz
    Cybele see also Great Mother of the Gods
    Cyril of Alexandria

    Daniel, Book of
    Dark Ages
    divination by
    Davies, Nigel
    Death of Classical Paganism, The (Smith)
    Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), epigraph from
    Delphi, oracle of
    democracy, polytheism and
    demons, pagan gods and goddesses as
    Deuteronomy, Book of
    Didyma, oracles at
    dietary laws, Jewish
    Dill, Samuel
    Dionysus, see Bacchus
    Dorries, Hermann
    dreams, interpretation of in ancient Israel
    Durant, Will

    Easter controversy
    Eastern Orthodoxy
    Edict of Milan, see Milan, Edict of edicts of toleration, see toleration, Jovian’s edict of
    Egypt, ancient Christianity in
    Eleusis oracle of
    Elohim Yahweh Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts)
    ethical monotheism
    Eusebius (chamberlain)
    Eusebius of Caesarea
    on Constantine
    on temple of Aphrodite
    Eusebius of Nicomedia
    of early Christian sects
    Exodus, Book of
    Fackenheim, Emil L.
    Falwell, Jerry
    Fides, Saint, relics of
    Finkelstein, Israel
    Firmicus Maternus, Julius epigraph from
    Forster, E. M.
    fortune-telling, see divination
    Fox, Robin Lane
    Frazer, James
    Freud, Sigmund epigraph from

    Gaul, Julian’s military campaigns in
    Genesis, Book of
    George of Cappadocia
    Germanic tribes, Julian’s campaigns against
    Gezer, human sacrifice at
    Gibbon, Edward:
    on Alexander Severus
    on Arius’s death
    on Christian persecutions of dissenters
    on Constantine
    on Constantine’s sons
    on Crispus
    on decline of Rome
    on Diocletian
    epigraph from
    on homoousion controversy
    Gibbon, Edward ( continued )
    on Julian
    on persecution of paganism
    on Roman persecutions of Christians
    on Theophilus
    gladiatorial combats
    goddesses, pagan
    Godwin, Jocelyn
    Golden Ass, The
    Golden Bough, The (Frazer)
    golden calf
    golden rule
    graven images, commandment against
    Great Britain
    Great Mother of the Gods
    see also Cybele
    Great Persecution
    apostasies during
    end of
    Greece, ancient:
    culture, influence of
    democracy in
    human and animal sacrifice in
    paganism, decline of
    paganism in
    Gregory of Nazianzus
    Gregory of Nyssa
    Gregory the Great, Pope
    Gruber, Mayer I.
    Grunters, the (oracles)

    Hadrian’s Wall
    Hanin, Rabbi
    Haruspices, College of
    Hasmonean dynasty
    Hebron, shrine at
    Helena (daughter of Constantine the Great)
    Helena (mother of Constantine the Great)
    Helios, King see also Apollo; Sol Invictus
    Hellenes (Julian’s term for pagans)
    Hellenism Hera
    heresies and schisms
    Christian Crusade against, after Julian’s death
    Constantine’s war on
    Inquisition and
    in monotheism
    Theodosius’s condemnation of
    hermits, Christian
    Herod “the Great,”
    Hilary of

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