Girl Jacked
caused most of the complications in his own life. He was a master artisan for creating problems with his two main vices, women, and booze. His adoptive mother always warned him about both and still nagged him about it today.
    He missed his mom and dad. A few years back, his adoptive father had gotten a blood clot, so the doctor thought it would be beneficial to thin out his blood. She and his father moved to Florida. He hadn’t been down to visit in long while, but kept planning to go soon.
     They were both older, and every time he saw them, they seemed to be aging faster. They had tried and tried to have kids of their own, but couldn’t so they decided to adopt. He was fortunate that at eleven a good couple like them chose him. Typically, they all went for babies. Kids his age didn’t end up with the pick-of-the-litter parents.
    How stupid kids can be. He thought. How stupid I was .
    He still felt guilt over his actions during his homecoming from Aunt Haddie’s. Here, two of the nicest people on the planet had brought him into their home, and he had acted like a jerk. They had come to Aunt Haddie’s to pick him up, and he’d run crying out into the woods.
    Chandler was the one who found him. Jack had grabbed his hand and tried to pull him further away, but Chandler just stood there. Even as a kid, Chandler was a giant. Jack could have run into him, but if Chandler didn’t want to move, he wasn’t moving.
    “We gotta run, Chandler!”
    Chandler slapped him in the face, and the blow knocked him down.
    “Jack, this is YOUR chance.”
    “But, we need to stay together!” Jack pleaded.
    Chandler sat down on the ground next to him. “I’m not going anywhere. Aunt Haddie will take good care of Michelle and me. You got a chance for a mom and dad. We had them once, you should get that too.” He grabbed him by the arm and started helping him up.
    “Chandler…” Jack knew he was right, but it still hurt.
    When he got back to Aunt Haddie’s, his new parents waited by her side. This time he asked them if he would be able to come back and see Aunt Haddie, Chandler, and Michelle. His new mom promised that he could.
    They kept that promise. Back and forth they would go, mostly Chandler and him and his father. Fishing, baseball, and lots of other stuff, together.
    His parents had gone to Chandler’s funeral. Jack wasn’t there. He had been on the other end putting the coffin on the plane.
    It was starting to lightly snow. The car in front of him slowed down even more.
    This is going to be a long shift.

Chapter 7 – Mommy
    Jack passed by Mrs. Stevens’ door on tiptoes.
    Damn, I forgot to pick up her appeasement present.
    He made another mental note to pick something up and headed upstairs. As he turned the corner of the stairs, he stopped dead. A light was coming from under his door.
    His apartment door was solid wood, but there was a good half-inch gap underneath it and light now streamed out. Gina wanted to get him one of the door sock things because the apartment was always drafty, but he thought that getting one was way too domestic for him. He was now glad he didn’t because he could see that someone was inside.
    Gina? No, she was gone.
    He thought about who could have a key to his apartment and that was a long list.
    He knew that security wise, it was beyond stupid, but girls seemed to relax if you gave them a key and Jack wanted to keep ‘ the girls happy’ . He shook his head at his weakness.
    He unsnapped his holster and opened the door. There was no sound coming from inside the apartment. When he looked into the kitchen, he knew something was terribly wrong. It was clean.
     The list of someone who would come into his apartment and clean was short. There was only one name – Mom. She must have flown up to surprise him.
    “Mom?” he called out as he trudged into his living room.
    “Awkward!” Replacement sang the word as she walked out of the bedroom. She had a towel wrapped around her body and was

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